Chapter 1

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Kim Namjoon 11 years old of age coming home from an amazing day of middle school, excited to show his parents his math test he got a 100/100 what a smart little boy.

"Mom dad I'm home~" he sang skipping into the house
"Mom and dad?"
He called out going into the living room
"W-what is that" he said as he crouched down on the living room floor to see his two parents laying there in blood
"This isn't funny wake up"
Namjoon said shaking his parents dead bodies
"you guys can't leave me"
Namjoon said while sobbing loudly

Their Namjoons parents laid on the floor lifeless covered in blood, gunshot wounds and knife marking on their body's on their living room floor

"Please don't leave me here by myself"

"You guys are all I have" he said sobbing loudly

"WHO WOULD DO THIS" he screamed out


"PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!" Namjoon yelled panting waking up "Namjoon, it's ok calm down I'm here no need to cry, it's alright" Taehyung said bring older into a hug "Taehyung it h-hurts I miss t-them so m-much" Namjoon said in between his sobs "I miss them to Joon I promise it's going to be fine, they're in a better place now" Taehyung said trying to calm the sobbing boy.

Taehyung was Namjoon's childhood best friend and his stepbrother.

Namjoon was adopted into Taehyung's family when Namjoon was 11 after his parents died.
Taehyung's family found Namjoon on the floor passed out covered in his parent's blood while they were supposed to come over for dinner with the Kim's that day.

Sadly Namjoon's parents didn't make it, and they couldn't just leave Namjoon alone he has no one to take care of him so after that day the Kim's adopted Namjoon, of course, they were happy but Namjoon missed his family and he also had nightmares of that day when he found his parents covered in blood on their living room floor.


First chapter ✔︎
Well that was something 😃

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