Octopus Rampage

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Somewhere else:

JACK: What was that light just now!?

ACE: Hm...? AH! Deuce, the anemone on your head's gone!

DEUCE: Wha–!? You're right!

GRIM: Mine's and Ace's are gone, too...!

GRIM: Alright! Leona and the others pulled through!

Jack: Let's get going. We gotta get to The ladies! I'll check the lounge! You guys get to Ramshackle.

[LOCATION: Octavinelle Dorm]

AZUL: Your lightning magic, and that guy's athletic abilities...! Give them all to me!


RUGGIE: What is Azul-kun doing to everyone!? Everyone he touches just fall down one after another!

LEONA: Looks like his unique magic's not limited to stealing magic just by making them sign a contract.

Riddle: I get it. Maybe the contract itself was just used to keep the magic in control.

RUGGIE: Eh!? Isn't he a little bit too scary?

Trey: Yeah, restricted magic like that's an express ticket for Blot.

But before anything else could happen...Jack, Floyd, Jade, and even the girls arrived to everyone's surprise.

JADE: Azul! What are you doing!?

FLOYD: Ew, what's this? What's going on?

Jack: Ugh, what's with the ruckus!?

Becky: Is Azul going wild...!? (Don't tell me...!)

JACK: It looks like he's forcefully sucking magic out of the students.

Minerva: What in the name of Odin happened here?!

AZUL: Jade, Floyd... You're finally back. Ah, you brought Anisha with you as well. Good, but talk about bad timing.

Thanks to those idiots, all of my contracts are now gone.

That's why... Please give me your magic, too. Hey, please give it to me!

JADE: Please desist! Your unique magic is too strong and to top it off, it should not work without the contract.

You should know best what would happen if you do not follow procedure!

AZUL: It's because... I just lost all of them... Ahaha... Ahahaha!

I'll end up going back to my old self at this rate! (Then he looks over to Anisha, calming down a bit.) No, not yet. I haven't lost yet.

Then Azul rushes over to Anisha, firing off a smoke potion on the others, detaining them for a while, even on Floyd and Jade.

"Anisha, my dear. You are mine." He said before kissing her on the lips, holding her in an embrace.







But then Azul found himself flung back by a punch.

From Anisha. And she looked mad.

"Normally I would accept a mere peck on the cheek, but that was basically sexual harassment!"

"Wha?! T-the potion didn't work?! It should've-! Floyd! Jade! You were supposed to give her the potion!" Azul yelled.

"Oh. Well, I guess there could be two explanations." Jade said simply.

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