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"Scott!" I cooed as I entered my apartment.

Scott came to me, his tale wriggling in anticipation. He's adorable when he's happy and energetic. I went down on my knees and opened my arms. He immediately came closer and allowed me to hug him.

"What do I do without you?" I murmured, my fingers lightly pinching his right ear.

I stood up and placed my small bag on the kitchen counter. I washed my hands and opened the pantry. I searched for something to eat and immediately sighed. Right, I forgot to do grocery shopping.

"Aish~ ottoke? I'm too tired to go to the grocery." I murmured, scratching the back of my head.

Scott was sitting beside my right foot, his beautiful eyes staring at me and his tongue showing. I felt my stomach grumble.

"Let's get something to eat, my baby." I said, getting Scott's buckle collar and leash and lightly attaching it to him.

I went out of my apartment carrying Scott. He's too playful and he might damage the floor's carpet so I have no choice but to carry him. Luckily, he's not too heavy. Scott is a maltese dog, a breed known for being small in size, which I find very ideal because I can't handle heavy dogs due to my small body.

My plan was to just grab food from the convenience store that's nearest to my apartment, but the evening breeze was too cool and comforting that I suddenly decided to take a walk. Scott also hasn't been out for awhile so I let him enjoy the world beyond the four walls of my oversized apartment.

I shivered as the wind blew. Now I suddenly regret wearing only a hoodie without a denim jacket on top of it. I grabbed my phone and my airpods and started to listen to some music while I just follow where Scott was walking to. Everything was so serene, almost impossible.

Personally, I like western music so much. Korean pop and ballads are also good, but there's just a part of me that's somehow captured by western music styles. Even if Kpop is branching out to modern western music, there's really something different.

That explains why I'm not really familiar with Korean singers, unless they are being mentioned on the news as headlines, then maybe I can somehow remember their faces. It's a shame that I suck at remembering names, and sometimes even faces. I just don't romanticize the idea of indulging in someone else's private life.

"Scott, why are you so playful today?" I whined, feeling my heels starting to burn from too much walking.

I didn't notice a rock in front of me, making me stumble upon it. I let go of Scott's leash as I used both of my palms to support my weight, trying my best to avoid contact between my face and the cemented ground. I'm on both of my knees and hands suddenly. It's a good thing that my neighborhood is a quiet and peaceful place. It's rare to see someone walking this late, which is why no one saw me stumble upon a stupid rock. Imagine the humiliation.

I dusted off my hands and knees, lightly rubbing the scratches on my pale palms. Oh, it's even bleeding now.

I was brought back when I suddenly realized that I wasn't holding Scott's leash. My eyes widened as I wander it around the place, trying to find a glimpse of my beloved maltese.

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