Riding-NCT dream (extra chapter)

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Hi beautiful person! Please be aware that a group of nasty people from Reditt and 4Chan are planning an event mainly on June 1st, but all throughout June. To attack innocent LGBTQIA+ members on every social media account they can find. They're planning to spread people's info, Address, phone number, family info and  ect. They're also planning kidnappings, murders and rape. They're calling it Pridefall.
Even if you're not a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, but this applies to you even if you're an ally of any sort. Please, please put all your accounts on private all through June. On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tiktok and any other platform you can think of. Don't interact with anyone you don't know, and please please be safe. As an ally, I've seen so many LGBTQIA+ Members be attacked, murdered, harassed and raped just because of their sexuality, and I can't stand seeing any more of you be brutalised just because of your sexuality.
You're beautiful, amazing, smart and valid. No matter your sexuality. Please remember that. And please, for your, your family's, your friends, your idols, your fellow members and ally's and my sake, stay safe.
Put all your accounts on private throughout June. Please.

And for the police MURDER happening almost every day in the states right now. As a black woman, I can't even imagine the pain my  black and brown brothers, sisters and siblings are going through right now. I cry for you, I hear you. I'm lucky enough to live in one of the safest places on earth, and even I fear that one day I'll be at the wrong place in the wrong time. You're so strong, and your voices are so powerful. Keep protesting, rioting and doing whatever the FUCK needs to be done for the world to understand that murder is murder. No matter if a disgusting cop does it or not. And please BLACKLIVESMATTER!
Stop saying all lives matter, because of course they do, but throughout history, black, brown and asians have been discriminated against. Never white people. We simply want the same rights as you. If you're just silently watching, you're a part of the fucking problem.
I've linked some petitions here for you to sign. Please, support us.
ACAB! I don't care if you're gonna day not all cops are bad, I'm talking about every single one of them. Especially that shithead you're related to!


https://blacklivesmatter.com › petitio...Web resultsPetitions - Black Lives Matter

Friendly reminder that if you disagree with anything here, I want you to never speak to me again, and please unfollow me! Thank you.

Yes this was clickbait

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