Being a brat

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Prompt: can you do a story where an older boy 18-20 has to babysit a girl about 7 but she is being a brat so the older boy has to try and deal with her.
———————————————————————————No boy wants to be home on a Saturday night watching his 7 year old cousin. But that is what Lucas is doing right now. Yes he is getting payed double, but he would much rather be out that stuck with some brat who isn't listening to a word he his saying.

It was the middle of summer so the sun was still shining. However Rachel's aunt and uncle had specifically said she had to be in bed by 7. Which was proven to be very difficult. Because whatever you tell Rachel, it goes in one ear and out the other. She was currently outside playing on the monkey bars, in Lucas' mind, he assumed that would tire her out meaning she would go to sleep and he could finally call his girlfriend. But no.
"Rach, come on it's almost 7, time for bed"
"Just five more minutes" shouted back Rachel.
"No, you said five more minutes an hour ago, come inside" Rachel sat on top of the monkey bars with her arms crossed refusing to move. Some people would have said to Lucas: just drag her in, your the boss, and although that is right, he was way too tired to deal with a screaming fit, so he had to play this tactically.
"Rach, your really confident on those obey bars aren't you?" Flatter her, he thought.
"Yes, they're my favourite, has your old age stopped you from going on them" she smiled cheekily. Lucas couldn't help but crack a smile.
"How about this, if your such a big girl, I've got a challenge, BUT there's a catch. If you can hang on the monkey bars for....4 minutes, you can stay out here as long as you want."
"AWESOME" she shouted clapping her hands.
"But, if you can't, you have to go straight to bed and...erm, I'll figure something out later!"
"You won't need to because I will do it!"
"If you say so" he said getting out his phone to time her. Rachel got into position, she could easily hang on for four minutes, imagine, if she won this she could stay outside laying until midnight!
"Ok, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Rachel hung on the monkey bars and waited, just four minutes she thought and this would be all over. But unfortunately for Rachel, Lucas had a trick up his sleeve. It had been about 30 seconds in and if Lucas was being honest, he was impressed that Rachel was still holding up, but that was all about to change. He walked over to Rachel who was still hanging on the bars smiling confidently. He then went behind her, saw her top that had now ridden way up so the whole of her midsection up to the middle of her ribs were exposed, and dug his hands at her bare sides.
"AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHA" Rachel screamed squirming, but was determined not to let go of the bars. "YOOUURRREEEE CHEAHAHATTTIIINNNGGGG"
"Hey Rach, I never said anything about this in the rules" he then dug his fingers up her baggy t shirt until his hands found her bare armpits, he fluttered his fingers barely touching, but the sensations were enough to drive Rachel mad.
"Still not letting go?" He could solve that easily by going straight in for the kill. He spidered his fingers all over her belly, forcing high pitch laughter out of Rachel.
"Tell her what? That you refused to go to bed when I told you to. Yeah let me know how that goes" oh yes, Lucas had thought this out. But as he was drumming his fingers all over her sensitive skin, he decided to go all out.
"NOOAHAHAHHAHAH, LUCAAHAHASSSS STOOAAHAHAHAPPPP" He lent his face into her stomach and blew a long raspberry on her belly which instantly made Rachel let go. She fell into Lucas' arms whilst slapping his shoulders repeatedly for tickling her.
"Rach, you know when I said you would get some sort of punishment for losing" Rachel stared at her cousin with wide eyes knowing exactly what he would do next. He set her in the grass and wasted no time. He straddled her hips and lifted her struggling arms up gently, being careful not to hurt her and went straight her armpits wiggling his fingers into both.
"Aw Rach, your so giggling is so cute" he teased. If there was one thing Rachel hated more it was being called cute or adorable or anything of that sort.
Lucas then let go of her arms so he could use both  arms to tickle her belly. He squeezed and drummmed his finger up and down making her whole midsection tingle all the way up to her ribs, being sure to count every single one.
"Hey Rach, is it true that girls have more ribs than boys? Guess I'll just count yours then." He the started 'counting' conveniently losing count every so often.
He made sure to get every single sensitive spot just to make the tickling and laughter worse.
Lastly he stuck his finger in her belly button and swirled it round while she screamed of laughter  trying to move his hands. Finally, he just went all out, used one hand to tickle her armpits and sides, put one finger in her belly button and used the other four fingers to press every pressure point on her tummy.
Right now Rachel was in hysterics begging I'm to stop. Looking at Rachel's face, Lucas could see she had had enough so he slowed his fingers down. Rachel was panting from all the tickling as Lucas got off her. She took one look at him and gave him the death stare.
"Hey if your gonna look at me like that, I've still got energy for a round 2" he said poking her sides with tickles forcing a smile to appear onto her face.
"Noooooo" Rachel said pushing his hands away. Lucas then opened his arms as a peace offering to hug her which Rachel happily took.
"Am i your favourite cousin" he blew into her ear. "Yeaahahsss, youu are"
They then both went up to sleep, with Lucas not telling his aunt and uncle that Rachel refused to go to sleep and Rachel not telling her parents that Lucas tickled her.

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