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   Our school the next day wrote an email, explaining how "sadly last night one of our wolf pack students tragically died. We offer our condolences to his family and friends." it was nice on their part but knowing how greedy and money hungry the district was, they didn't give a shit and only did it so they looked good. The police department on the other hand came out with new curfews to protect us. Be home by 10:00pm and if it's not possible try to stay away from the forest and find the nearest crowed area.

I was allowed to stay off of school for a few days to mourn properly, and mourn I did. I laid on my bed for those few days, thinking of Perseus. My poor friend Perseus. The one that always had a snarky remarks to my stupid jokes. The one that thanked me every time I gave him half of my lunch. The one I got feelings for and helped me be myself. Perseus.

My siblings made frequent trips to my room, sometimes dropping off food and picking up the ones I didnt bother touching. My mom came up often too, she would lay with me and just talk. Talk about her friends and what stupid situations our cat Vincent got himself into. Things to distract me. The only times I got up was to feed my tortoise son, take a bathroom break or to do the chores my dad forced me to do.

My dad was a different story. He would come in and do the opposite of what my mom was trying to achieve. He made short trips to my room informing me that I have chores to do and I shouldn't sit around all day crying. This always made me feel worse.

He in general made me feel worse.

If it were any other day I would be able to go to the tree house. But it wasn't any other day. I haven't been able to return since it was still being investigated. Not like I wanted to go back anyways.

I received a call from the Miller's a few days after. They sounded so sad but I could tell they were trying to hide it the best they could.It breaks my heart knowing that they are trying everything in their power not to cry. They wanted me to come over for a bit to talk about him and the situation, but only if I was comfortable with the idea. I hesitated but in the end agreed, no matter how sad and emotionally unstable I was at the moment I wanted to know what the police had found. I wanted to avenge his death. I wanted justice for him. So I prepared myself mentally for the emotional rollover coaster I was about to go through. I went downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was cooking over the stove, her back facing me. "Mom"

She turned to look at me, a look of surprise on her face. "Aye! me quieres a dare un ataque de corazón! Que pasa mijo?" She said as she held her chest, trying to calm her heart. "Where's dad?" I replied as I cautiously looked around both the living room and kitchen. Both rooms smelling like the mole as rice my mom made. "Está durmiendo. Por que?" "I'm just asking. I'm going out for a bit mama. I promise to be home by 4:00." "Está bien hijo, nomas que tengas quedado." She said as she let out a quiet sigh. I gave her a quick hug and made my way to the garage. "Y hijo, gracias por salir. Sabes que me da mucho tristeza cuando te miro encerrado en tu cuatro." I nodded and left to get the lonely skateboard hung on the wall. My pride and joy.

The ride to the Miller's house seemed shorter then usual. Maybe I was desperate to get answers or because I wanted to get it over with before I convinced myself to back out. Either way I was grateful to have made it there quickly, feeling really uncomfortable with the eyes following my every move.

That's the other thing. I've been feeling like I'm being watched. The moment I enter a room with open windows or went to take the trash out the feeling would come back. I tried to make sure I closed the curtains every time I entered a room and double checked the locks just in case. It could just be my paranoid mind playing tricks on me, it has been for a while, but I still can't shake off the feeling that it's real. Mrs. Miller was waiting for me at the front door when I arrived, she had a cardigan wrapped around her shaking form. She looked out into the forest, her eyes glazed over. I walked up to her, breaking her from her trance. She smiled softly and hugged me when I got close to her. "Hello dear, I'm sorry to call you on such a short notice but I feel like I need to tell you this. Please come inside." She said as she led me through the front door. "Mr. Miller had to go out for a bit so just make yourself at home. Would you like anything to drink? I can make you some tea." "Yea is fine Mrs.Miller." I said as I sat at the table.

She came back with two cups of tea and a plate of cookies as I tried to avoid any contact with the pictures of him on the wall. I quickly stood up to help her with the cups. "Thank you dear." She sat down in front of me, her own cup of tea nestled in her shaking hands. "I hope you don't mind but the tea I used helps people sleep better. I know it might not help much but its worth a try. I recently had a conversation with your mother and She told me you haven't slept in a while, I know it's hard but please take care of yourself dear." "Its fine Ma'am and you did? She never mentioned calling you, I hope she didn't talk your ear off." "Nonsense, your mother is such a dear to talk with. But that doesn't matter right now, your health is." I avoided her worried stare. "I'm sorry...I-it's just I haven't been able to sleep and I don't seem to have an appetite for anything. I'm sorry for making you worry ma'am." I said as I looked up to her, pleading for her to forgive me for my reckless behaviour. She shook her head softly and gestured to the platter of cookies in front of us. "I'll forgive you if you eat some of these cookies, their fresh out of the oven just like you kids used to like them." She said as she moved her head towards the picture of Per-him located above the tv.

I decided to eat some to make her happy, it was warm. It brought me some comfort that I desperately needed. "Well I don't mean to dampen the mood but I'm sure you want to know what the police have concluded." She said halfway through our small conversation of our day, spoon in hand, slowly stirring her tea. "As you've already know you have been cleared as being the suspect. I know you wouldn't harm him. They believe it was a...wolf." I looked at her confused. "W-wolf? But we barely see them out here?" "That's what we thought but the evidence doesn't lie. The autopsy reveals that he had bite marks all over his body, both o-of h-his arms and p-pieces of his s-skin were never found. Fur and a tooth were found along with a trail of paw prints leading to h-his body and into the forest. The only other thing they found was your tracks." She said, her eyes becoming watery again, she rubbed her temples.

I was so dumbfounded. A wolf? How is that even possible? They never go near our town since we've pushed them out of their homes so they most certainly shouldn't be anywhere near our area. The tree house may be a bit further away from town but not near enough to the location of where the last pack of wolves live. But a wolf killed him? We can't lock up a wolf.

The garage door opened. Mr. Miller walked in, bags in hand. Mrs.Miller stood up to lock the door behind him and to help him with the bags he was having trouble with. "Hey kid," he said as he placed the remaining bags on the counter. He too had glazed over eyes, red and puffy. "Hope I didn't interrupt anything?" He questioned as he smiled at both of us. "Not at all dear, we were just finishing up our conversation that's all. Just leave the bags, I'll put the groceries away for you." "Hello sir." I simply said as I put away our dishes in the sink. "I was just about to leave anyways so don't worry sir, thank you for everything Mrs.Miller. I hope you both have a good day, call me if you need anything." I said as I gave them both a quick hug. "Take care kid." Mr.Miller said as he lead me to the door. With one final wave I grabbed my skateboard that was previously leaning on one of the pillars upfront and started my way back home. The eyes were back but I didn't bother myself with it, the only thought on my mind being.

A dumb fucking wolf did this.

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