~go fuck yourself~

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   I was sitting outside of the principals office after receiving an earful from the baldie. I was to be sent home for the day and I was scared of what my dad would do once he got a hold of me. The nurse had previously taken care of my injuries. She was nice, I liked her. She didn't judge me for my sexuality and always made sure to give me colored bandages rather than the plain tan ones. So I was currently decked out in bandages as colorful as my shirt.

The principal of course didn't care that Brendon and Katie were the ones that started, his excuse being he never saw the start of it. So Brendon of course was let off scott free along with his now probably ex-girlfriend, like fucking always. My friends came in to help me but their words also fell on death's ears. The baldie, being the egotistical and sociopathic person he was know to be, had surprisingly given me one week of detention but only after I mentioned bringing the police into it. Oh his poor fragile reputation, wouldn't want to ruin that. Sometimes I scold my self for not doing anything. Maybe I was too scared or maybe I knew most didn't care to hear a "crazy fag". Either way he got me back when he mentioned he contacted my parents. I bawled my eyes out knowing what was to come and he knew he had won that argument.

The only thing you could hear now was the soft clicks of the clock. The constant ticking was getting on my nerves and it didn't help that the secretary's wanted to let everyone know she had newly manicured nails by tying loud as hell. I was about to lose again and it was then that the door leading into the office opened. Me thinking it might have been my parents, quickly looked up only to see a guy walk in. I let out a sigh. God that was scary.

Having nothing better to do I observed the boy, making sure I wasn't to obvious about it. I've never seen him before, he could be new but who knows. He had light brown almost blonde curls styled into a mullet, blue eyes and a tan complexion. He looked like he worked out and had defiantly gotten into a few fights before. For his clothes, he wore a well loved red flannel, black jeans, and a band shirt. Definitely way taller than me by the looks of it. I mean almost everyone was but either way I felt small compared to his bulky figure.

He went straight into the nurses office but not before making eye contact with me. I couldn't help but blush since it seemed he knew I was checking him out. He softly closed the door behind him and I was once again meet with the ticking of the clock. When will my parents be here? I want to get things over with. Rummaging through my bag I pulled out my sketch book that looked ready to fall apart. I drew what first came into my mind, frogs. They weren't good but it was something to distract me from my looming thoughts and annoying ticking. The door to the nurses office opened again.

I felt someone sit next to me, I didn't bother to look up. "Hey cutie~". I jumped a bit, the culprit chuckled. I looked up to him, already knowing who it was. His piercing blue eyes staring at my boring brown ones. I pointed at myself in confusion, was he talking to me? "Yeah you, who else would I be talking too, the secretary? I just wanted to congratulate you for standing up for yourself,though you barley did anything to harm him. If we're being honest it seems like you're in worse shape then he was lol." "Shut the fuck up dude I don't need to be reminded about that." I grumbled, trying to get back to drawing.

"You know I was thinking, did Brendon really make out with you in the locker room?" "Why should I tell you that? You're just gonna make fun of me." "Come on tell me. I promise I won't laugh or make fun of you! My lips are sealed! Just tell me the deats." The secretary shushed him. He gave her a quick apology and turned back to me. "You're so noisy, why should I trust you? I just met you?" I replied. "Well then, let me introduce myself. I'm Angelo, Angelo Jackson and you are?" "I'm not telling you that either, look man just leave me alone." "A stubborn one, I like it but come on can I at least get a name." I blushed as I glared at him, was he really teasing me right now. "Yes, he did ask me to make out with me now go fuck yourself." I said as I stood up to move seats. He laughed "That cute you should see your face right now. See that wasn't hard was it! Did you enjoy it?"

I ignored him after that but could still feel him staring, Why would I ever enjoy kissing someone who continued to mocked me for my sexuality and told everyone I fancied men. I can't go anywhere without people calling me a fag or giving me dirty looks. It wasn't consensual either, he cornered me one day after gym and asked me to kiss him for the soul purpose of "testing" how it felt.

"Patrick!" My dad called out as he entered the office. I stood right up, putting my sketch book away. I could feel myself starting to shake. "You and me have a lot to talk about once we get home young man!" He said, I could see his fists clench and knew it wouldn't just be talking. I nodded and waited as he signed the paper that allowed me to go home. I was grabbed by my arm and pulled to the front door. I looked back completely and saw Nathan. He gave me a small wave, giving me a pitied look.

I didn't deserve to be pitied.

I turn back and followed my dad to his gray pick up truck he drove to work. He let me go and allowed me to get situated in the back seat. I was still shaking. The way back home was quiet, really quiet. It felt like the world knew what was about to happen and was watching it unfold.

When we arrived I was again dragged into the house. Nobody was home so we were alone. He threw me onto the couch and began yelling. I tuned it all out knowing he was talking about how much of a disappointment I was to him. I knew from experience that he was never to be talked back too but in that moment I was done of sitting quiet. I tried to explain myself and with that I was on the floor with a new bruise. My nose started to run and My eye ached.

He continued his yelling spree as I stood back on my feet and ran to the door. Ran until I could no longer hear him and my lungs could no longer handle it. Until my legs started to shake. Ran to the only place I knew he wouldn't go to or knew the location of.

The tree house.

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