Chapter 10

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hey guys I'm uploading again because I just came online and saw that Grow Up was number 270 on teen fiction! WHAT?!?!?!? wow, thats amazing guys, glad you are enjoying it! I'll talk more at the end! enjoy! xx

“What are we going to order lads and Aria?” Louis asks the six of us as we look over the menu’s in one of the side booths at Nando’s, seated conveniently right up against the huge glass windows. So much for privacy. It’s wasn’t my fault that Nando’s was crowded at this time of night and I didn’t want to use the famous card to kick a nice normal customer out of their seat.
Luckily the boys had hoodies on, and no normal Dunedin girl would be expecting One Direction to walk into Nando’s tonight, so we hadn’t been noticed, so far...
“Uhm...shall we just get one big family sized chicken thing to share between the six of us?”  I ask, surely a whole peri peri chicken would be enough to satisfy these boys.
“Lets get two, two bowls of peri peri fries on the side, and bread, and salad!” says Niall, and all the boys nod in agreement.
“Do you think you can eat all that?” I ask and they look at me like I’ve just asked them what my name is. So basically they give me a look of shock, horror and surprise.
“Of course we can!” says Niall and I shrug my shoulders.
“Ok then, I’ll go give them our order.” I say, getting up out of the booth and pushing past Liam and Zayn who are sitting on the same side couch as me.
Once I’ve placed the order and specifically told the guy at the counter that we would like the peri peri chicken ‘Mild’ -I don’t really want to burn my tongue off tonight- I head back and sit down at my seat again.
“Our food will be coming soon, so what do you want to do in the meantime?” I ask looking up at the boys for the first time since getting back.
Something was different.
“Hey! Niall, did you get sick of me?” I ask, motioning towards the spot on the couch opposite me in the booth, where Niall used to be sitting. Instead Louis was in his place.
“Noooo.” Niall says cheekily, giving me a wink.
I decide to give up and smile sweetly at Louis who is now sitting opposite me, and I pray that my cheeks haven’t gone red when he smiles back.
The six of us drift into an easy conversation about our favorite things and shops when our food arrives. Phew, so far so good. Let’s just hope that this meal goes by undisturbed.
“Yum! Thanks!” we all say to the waiter, who looks pretty happy as he walks back to the counter. We all dig into the food straight away and I begin to pick away at a chicken breast I grabbed with my knife and fork.
“Aria, you can eat with your hands.” Says Niall munching away on a drumstick I think.
“I’ll just use utensils thanks, you know, I actually haven’t eaten chicken in a while.” I say, putting a piece of chicken in my mouth.
“Oh no! That’s sad! How long has it been since you’ve eaten Nando’s?” Niall asks.
“I didn’t really want to say this, but it’s the first time, cause they only just put an Nando’s up in Dunedin last month, and I’ve never had the spare time to have some.” I say and the boys look surprised.
“So, what do you think of it?” Louis asks me.
“It’s nice, still a little spicy even though I ordered it in mild, but thats just my taste buds for you!” I reply.
“Oh, thats why it’s not as hot as usual.” says Niall.
“Yup!” I reply.
Just then the six of us hear a cough coming from the end of our table and we all turn to see who it is. When I look at them I suddenly wish I hadn’t though, because I knew these people, two girls to be exact.
Carolina and Ella, who are not only the most popular, but the most horrible girls at my high school. Now here’s a pro of being twenty, not having to go to school with them any more.
“Hey.” Purrs Carolina to the six of us, flipping her long brown hair over her shoulder.
“Uh, hey.” Says Harry, and all the boys say hi. Then they all turn to see why I’ve stayed silent, and see the glare on my face.
I quickly regain my composure and smile at the two girls, but luckily the boys saw that I didn’t like them one bit.
“So, what are you boys doing down here in Dunedin?” Ella asks twirling a strand of her strawberry blonde hair around her finger.
“We just wanted to come down here for a break.” Says Niall, getting a little annoyed that he was interrupted in the middle of his meal.
“Oh, thats cool, and who are you?” Carolina replies, and then looks at me.
“This is Aria.” Says Liam protectively.
“Is she one of your girlfriends?” Ella asks.
“No, but she’s our friend.” Replies Harry, looking annoyed.
“Oh, nice to meet you Aria.” They both say and then start snickering a little.
“What is it?” Zayn asks.
“Oh, one of the girls in our year at school is called Aria, she’s nothing like you though, she’s a total looser, always at the front of the class, geeky, straight A kind of student, she is a huge fan of you guys though, no idea why, she’s not cool enough to be a fan. I don’t even know how she managed to go to your concert.” Says Carolina, and I feel my hands clench up into tight fists.
The rest of the boys have the same kind of reaction as me, especially Louis.
“How could you say that about someone at your school? I think it’s great that girls still want to learn at school and get good marks, because that will help them get a job unlike people who just gossip all the time, she sounds like an awesome fan, way cooler than you, now can you please leave us alone so we can get back to our meal?” Niall says, looking over at Louis for the last part, because Louis looks like he wants to slap them or something.
That probably wouldn’t be the best idea.
“Ugh, fine. See you boys! Love you!” Carolina says and her and Ella blow kisses at the boys.
We turn back to our meal and eat in silence until all the plates are cleared, then once we’ve paid the bill we hop back into the rental car.
“Time to find a hotel.” Says Harry, and Louis begins to drive.
Ten minutes later we end up at a nice hotel by the beach, overlooking the sea. We book two rooms and then head up to the eighth floor with our bags to get settled into our rooms.
“Ok, each room has three beds, who wants to go in each?” Liam asks.
“I don’t mind.” I say, and all of the boys nod.
“Ok, everyone line up in order of which month you have your birthday in.” Liam says, sounding like a teacher, and we all get into a line, including him.
“Zayn, Harry and me are the first three to have birthdays, so we will room. And Niall, Aria and Louis, you guys can room. Is that ok?” Liam says, and we all nod.
“Hey roomies!” Niall says as the three of us enter our hotel room.
“Hey.” I say, heading over to the kitchenette to make myself a cup of tea and then heading off to find a bed before I have to talk to anyone.
I find a room with a double bed in it and set my cup down on the bedside table before collapsing on it.
How could Carolina and Ella say all that stuff about me? Sure, I liked to get good marks, and study. But how does that make me a looser?
Just then I hear my room door slide open to reveal Niall and Louis, who take a seat on the end of my bed.
“Thanks for standing up for me earlier.” I say to them.
“All good, are you ok? Those two girls weren't nice at all.” Niall says.
“You can say that again.” I reply.
“Replay!” Louis shouts and I catch on, remembering this game.
“You can say that again.” I repeat.
“Slow replay!” Niall shouts.
“Yoooouuuu, caaannn, sayyyy, thaaatttt, agggaaaiiinnn...” I drawl.
“Fast replay!” Louis yells.
“Youcansaythatagain!” I reply quickly in one breath.
“Woo! Go Aria!” Louis and Niall cheer, these guys are really good at cheering people up.
‘Aww thanks guys, how about I pick a game now?” I say slyly.
“Sure.” Says Louis.
Neither of them expect what I’m going to do next, as I quickly snatch one of the five pillows off the bed and fling it at Niall.
“PILLOW FIGHT!” I yell and both of the boys pick up a pillow.
A few minutes later the three of us are lying defeated on the bed, feathers floating around us.
“Whoops.” Mumbles Louis, and Niall chuckles.
“Sorry, didn’t know these pillows were feather.” I say guiltily.
“Should we clean up the feathers?” I ask and the boys both nod.
Half an hour later there isn’t a trace of a feather in the bedroom and the three of us head into the bathroom to brush our teeth before going to bed.
“See you guys in the morning.” I say smiling at the two of them as I head out of the bathroom.
“Night Aria!” they both reply and I walk over to my room.
I quickly get changed into my pyjamas and climb under the fluffy white sheets, feeling instantly calmed by the sound of the waves I can hear from the sea.
I fall into a deep sleep, that is only interrupted by a figure entering my room in the early hours of the morning.


cliffhanger...sorry, :) if i get some votes and comments I may upload again today! -yippie!!!

um apart from my fun wee day i've been working hard, even though exams are over.because for social studies we have to do this huge project on what we want to do when we are out of school.

mine is on being a chief magazine editor! i'd just love to do that job! xxx

what are your dream jobs guys?

and do you want another chapter?

vote / fan and comment! xxxxx love you all :)

kisses, 1dream41d

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