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*A Week Later*

The past week was the longest week their family has had in awhile. Harry was home late every single night, leaving Zayn home alone with Delilah. It broke his heart when he just needed a kiss goodnight but, couldn't have it until he was already asleep.

Sunday morning came faster than any of them expected and Zayn's heart sunk to his chest the second his eyes fluttered open.

Today was the day Harry was deployed to Japan.

His flight was later tonight, so they had the rest of the day to spend together before he left them for 5 months.

Zayn shook Harry awake.

Harry: "morning baby"

Zayn: "morning"

Harry: "you ok?"

Harry already knew what Zayn's answer would be.

Zayn: "no, don't leave me"

Zayn started crying and Harry pulled him into his chest while he rubbed soothing circles on his back.

Harry: "shhh, I'm right here"

Zayn: "don't go, please"

Harry: "you do this every time bub, breathe"

Zayn: "I feel like my world falls apart every single time you leave me like this"

Harry: "it's only 5 months love, and I'll FaceTime you every single night."

Zayn's breathing became labored. He kept his eyes shut as tears rolled down his cheeks and landed on Harry's chest.

Harry: "let's have a good day today yeah?"

Zayn shook his head even though he knew the thought of his husband leaving would be in the forefront of his mind the rest of the day.

Once they were both ready for the day, Zayn went to walk out of the bathroom but Harry pulled him back by his wrist and sat him up on the bathroom sink.

He placed his hands on his hips and looked him dead in the eyes.

Harry: "me, you, Del, we're all gonna get through this together baby. I might not be right next to you, but I'll always be there"

Zayn looked down and broke eye contact with Harry, visibly heartbroken. This was the worst part for sure.

Harry: "I love you. More than anything."

Zayn: "not more than your mini me over there"

Harry smiled

Harry: "well I mean, we made her. Of course I love her"

Zayn: "you and me both"

They paused and just looked into each others eyes while time seemed to stop.

Harry: "are we gonna make the most of today?"

Zayn: "mhm"

Harry pecked Zayn's lips quickly.

Harry: "I'll kiss those lips every chance I get today yeah?"

Zayn shook his head, letting a little blush appear on his cheeks.

Harry: "i love you bub, a lot"

Zayn: "I love you too"

Harry: "let's go wake up the sleeping beauty"

Zayn smiled as Harry lifted him off the counter and they tip toed into Delilahs room to see her sitting up and playing with her dolls.

Delilah: "morning baba. morning daddy."

Harry: "hey princess, how long have you been up?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she ignored his gaze and continued playing with her barbies.

Zayn: "let's get you dressed, we're gonna go see a movie today with Avery and your uncles"

Delilah stood up and started jumping up and down on her bed with excitement.

Harry rubbed tears out of his eyes as he watched his pride and joy.

Harry: "fuck I'm gonna miss her"

Zayn squeezed Harry's hand and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Delilah: "you okay daddy?"

Harry: "I am, you just make me really happy D"

Delilah: "you make me happy too daddy"

Harry kissed her forehead and stood up to get her clothes out for the day.

He picked out a cute little yellow romper with pink polka dots.

Zayn: "I'll get her ready and I'll meet you downstairs yeah?"

Harry: "mhm, kiss me first"

Zayn turned his head and pressed their lips together.

Delilah: "Baba, do you kiss daddy because you love him?"

Zayn: "very much, you kiss people when you love them sooo much"

Harry: "but you only kiss baba and daddy, no boyfriends for you young lady"

Delilah: "all boys have cooties except for both of you"

Harry: "that's mah girl"

They high fived and Harry ran down stairs to get their things ready for the rest of the day.

Zayn dressed Del, threw her bright pink sandals on, and left her hair down for the day. He'd always threw a hair tie around his wrist just in case.

Such a girl dad.

When they met Harry down stairs he was all packed and ready to head out the door.

They had plans to see a movie, then visit Harry's mom which Delilah called Grammy before they had to take Harry to the airport.

Once they'd made it to the theater, they met Louis and Niall inside with Avery.

Avery: "Della!!"

Delilah: "Avie!!"

They'd planned on seeing Frozen II for the girls.

They had popcorn, candy, pop, the whole 9 yards and they were both so excited to watch a movie together.

Harry sat furthest in, next to zayn. Then Delilah and Avery, with Niall and Louis on the outside.

Harry held Zayn's hand over the arm rest the whole time, not letting go for a second.

Harry: "if these kids weren't here I'd be kissing the hell outta you"

Zayn: "that would be nice"

Harry winked

Zayn: "what times your flight later babe?"

Harry: "9, but I don't wanna talk about that anymore"

Zayn: "sorry, it's in my mind"

Harry: "Del seems to be doing fine"

Zayn: "she's 5 Harry. She has no clue how long five months is..."

Harry: "I'm joking babe, I'm sorry"

Zayn: "sorry I just...I'm moody today I guess"

Harry: "you have every right to be baby, it's fine. But I love you"

Zayn: "i love you more"

Harry kissed Zayn's cheek and watched it turn a bright red color.

Harry: "been together 6 years and I can still make you blush"

Zayn: "you've got that effect styles"

Harry smiled and squeezed Zayn's hand before focusing his attention back on the movie.

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