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*5 months later*

December 1st finally rolled around and today was the day Zayn would find out the gender of his baby.

He needed someone to watch Delilah and he figured Niall and Louis would be great.

Niall: "hello?"

Zayn: "hey I find out the gender today and I was wondering if you could watch Del?"

Niall: "for sure, bring her over whenever"

Zayn: "thanks so much"

Zayn ran upstairs and proceeded to dress Delilah in a pair of black jeans and a warm sweater before throwing her winter coat over top.

Delilah: "where are you going baba?"

Zayn: "I'm taking you to Averys house for a little while I go to the doctors okay?"

She smiled and nodded, anything to do with Avery she loved.

On their way to Niall and Louis, they listened to the Frozen 2 soundtrack that both her and Avery had been obsessed with since the day Harry left.

Zayn dropped Delilah off at the door and hustled back out to his car, he was already gonna be late.

He sped there carefully and rushed inside only to be met by a waiting Dr. Withers.

Dr. Withers: "there you are! I thought you forgot! Today's an important day!"

Zayn: "I know, I'll be happy either way as long as it's healthy"

Dr. Withers: "well, let's see what your beautiful baby is"

She smeared the jelly over his growing bump and observed on the screen to their left.

Dr.Withers: "I will be right back with the results"

Zayn waited anxiously, wondering what he'd been carrying inside of him.

He whispered to the baby in his belly.

Zayn: "whatever you are in there, me, your big sister and your daddy are gonna love you unconditionally."

When Dr.Withers came in she had the biggest smile on her face.

Dr. Withers: "do you wanna know what your baby is Zayn?"

Zayn: "I'm super excited yeah"

Dr. Withers: "you're having another baby girl"

Zayn covered his mouth and wiped his tears in excitement.

Zayn: "it's crazy...I've always wanted two girls. I grew up with 3 sisters, so I've always loved being around them. I'm just so happy."

Dr.Withers: "congratulations, I'm sure Harry will be thrilled"

Zayn smiled as he cleaned the jelly from his torso and left the room with the results.

A few minutes later he was back at Louis and Nialls with the results in his hand.

When they let him in, they were bouncing off the walls with excitement. They couldn't wait to know what it was.

Niall: "come on, tell us"

Zayn: "I'm having another girl"

Niall: "oh my god, two dads, with two're dead"

Zayn smiled

Zayn: "nah, you see how Harry is with Del. He's wrapped around that little girls finger"

Louis: "I'm so happy for you both, even though he's completely clueless."

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