Part 10

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Betty's POV

She says everything in a baby voice since she's a baby. I just didn't want to write "In a baby voice" at the end of every phrase she said.

She was beautiful, full of light and passion. She's so intelligent and has such a cheerful personality. She's so strong for having to go through her own mother leaving her.
B:"You need a name little lady"
?:"What is it?"
J:"You play with blocks while we go figure that out ok?"
?:"Ok!" We smile and walk off.
J:"What do you have in mind?"
B:"She's so cheerful and bubbly, she deserves a name that says just that."
J:"I was obviously googling baby names late last night-"
B:"Is that where you were?"
J:"Yes, and I saw this name. It was Ellie and I thought it was really cute"
B:"Ellie, I love it. Her full name can be Elyse, after my grandmother" (Idk)
J:"Elyse, it's so cute. What about her last name is An, like my grandmother?"
B:"Yes omg that's so cute!" He laughed
J:"Now let's go see if she likes it." I nod and walk back in Jughead behind me.
B:"Hey pretty lady"
J:"I think we found a name for you"
B:"Yeah, what do you think of Elyse? We would call you Ellie for short"
?:"I love it! I have a name now!" She waddled quickly almost falling, to us hugging out legs. I bend down and grab her. We laughed at her.
J:"Yes you do" He said tickling her. She giggled, it was so cute. I kissed her cheek.
B:"Let's go adopt you Ellie" She giggled as I said her name. Jughead took her out of my arms as we walked to the office.
(A=Adoption agency)
A:"Have you found one?" She looked at us with a smile. We nodded and walked in with a smile.
A:"Great! Now let's get started. Sit please" She pointed to the chairs. We sat, Ellie on jugheads lap.
A:"So, names please"
B:"Elizabeth Marie (Idk) Cooper"
J:"Forsyth Pendleton Jones The third" She looked at us and laughed.
A:"That's quite a mouthful"
J:"Yes I know"
A:"And what have you decided to name this little one?"
B:"Jones" We smiled at each other.
A:"Do you mind me asking why?" She said as she wrote it down.
B:"Elyse, after my grandmother"
J:"An, After my grandmother"
B:"And Jones is his last name"
A:"Omg, that's honestly so cute"
B:"Thank you"
A:"So now if you sign here you are officially her adopted parents"
B:"I have a question"
A:"Go ahead"
B:"If Her mother was to come back. Could she take her away from us?"
A:"Sadly she could. If she has a good lawyer she can get custody of Elyse. But she seemed pretty set on never seeing her so I think your ok" I nod. She could get taken away from me and that's something that I will forever be afraid of.
A:"Ok, now sign here" She pointed to the piece of paper. We sign our name.
A:"Congratulations you guys, you are now Elyse's adoptive parents!"
B:"Thank you so much" We shake her hand and make our way to the room Ellie was staying in. One of the ladies gave us a bag. It had diapers, wipes, a teddy bear, a small blanket, 2 shirts, 2 pants, 2 socks and a sweatshirt.
L:"There you should be all set. We gave you some things for the moment since I'm not sure if you have these things at home."
B:"Thank you" We walk out with the bag, Ellie and the documents on her. We set her down in the car seat in the back. It was white, since we didn't know the gender.
B:"Ok Ellie, we're just 30 minutes from home"
J:"We'll go to the store and buy some stuff for your new room ok?"
After 10 minutes she was asleep.
B:"How can someone do that to a baby"
J:"I know" He placed his hand on my thigh.
B:"We were trying so hard to have one and this girl just leaves her beautiful baby in a sink at school."
J:"I'm sorry baby" I sigh and look at the documents on my lap.
B:"I'm going to open it, I need to know if there's something we need to worry about." He nods. I look at the documents.

Name of mother: Victoria Jackson (Idk)

Name of father: Christopher Leeson (Idk)
Age: 17

Family medical history:
Diabetes in 3 members
Alzheimers in 1 member
Cancer in 1 member
ADHD in 2 members
OCD in 5 members
Anxiety in 7 members
Depression in 4 members

Birth date: November 29th 2018
Gender: Female
Full name: Elyse An Jones

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