Chapter IV

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Kalani POV

As soon as I woke up the next morning I saw a text from an unknown number. instead of looking stupid or being rude by asking who it was when I already knew , I decided to continue the conversation by saying " Good morning " back and saving his number. A few minutes later he replied asking if I wanted to get breakfast and I've never been the type to pass up free food so I agreed. He told me to be ready at 11 which meant I had a little less than an hour to get ready . Before getting dressed I texted him the address and picked out something that was cute but didn't make it seem like I wanted to impress him.

As soon as I was finished he texted me saying he was outside and I immediately went outside to avoid any questions from my family. I didn't want anyone to meet him just yet let alone know that we even knew each other before I knew exactly where we were headed with this.

" Hey " I said literally jumping into his black Mercedes G-Wagon

"what's up , you good to go ?" he questioned

" yeah , where we going ? " I asked getting myself situated . Even though I played basketball and volleyball that slight jump had me winded and he noticed.

" out of breath huh " he said laughing

" ha ha ha , where are you taking me ?"

" you bout feisty as shit , I should take yo ass to the bodega but we going to Chubby's" he replied

" ooooo nice pick"

By the time we left the diner it was going on 12:30 and he asked if I wanted to go the carnival. Once again I'm here for anything that's free 99 so I complied.
He bought our ride bracelets and we took of in search of the quickest , most adrenaline pumping ride we could find. His reasoning was because he wanted to see if I was really as tough as I " acted " . When really I knew he just wanted me as close as he could get me. We soon found the " Natural Disaster" and decided to fall victim to its spins , twists , turns and jumps. And for some idiotic reason , I felt like I was doing the same with this relationship. After we got off the ride I had regretting my decision based off of the fact that I could barely catch myself and my head was spinning and Jay looked completely fine.

" You good Kae? " he asked noticing my struggle

" Perfect " I lied " let's get funnel cakes"

After we got our funnel cakes and drinks we sat down and I noticed a group of girls staring in our direction. I knew they weren't staring at me which meant Jay was definatly a celebrity amoungst the females in BK. What I didn't know was that one of the girls would actually be bold enough to interrupt our " date " and make her presence known.

" Hey King" the girl asked in a seductive tone that instantly made me uncomfortable

" What's good ? " he said nonchalantly

" oh nothing I was just wondering if you were gonna come through tonight , I've been texting you "

" and I been ignoring you " he said with a chuckle and I began to choke on my lemonade. The girl glared at me then turned back to face him . " you see I'm here with my girl why would you come trynna act like you relevant shorty" . Defeated , the girl stomped away and I just stared at him for a while before asking " since when was I your girl ? "

As if he's not smiling 24/7 , he smirked and said " since I spent money on you and asked for nothing in return but that smile , you ready to get on more rides ? "

All I did was nod my head and got up to walk away with him. I was not at all upset about the girl stepping to him. I know females are petty and and whatever they may have done was before me so I wasn't going to let that bother me. Instead I just kept wondering if he was serious about me being his girl or not. But we were having a good time so I didn't want to put a stifle in it by asking such an uncomfortable question.

We were at the carnival for hours , enjoying each other's company and getting to know one another when his phone rang.

" You ready ma ? I got some business to handle."

I already knew what he meant by "business" so I nodded my head and less than 30 minutes later we we pulling up to my house.

" Did you have fun ma ? " he asked

" of course " I replied biting my lip

He gently placed his finger underneath my chin and said " what's on your mind ? If you wondering wether or not I was serious about you being my girl the answer is yes " he paused " you my girl"

The last thing I wanted to do was object to that , but I was definantly entering this with caution. My last relationship was a never ending downward spiral and I refuse to suffer through that again.

" Can I get a kiss ? " he asked snapping me out of my thoughts

" of course " I said smiling

Right on cue his soft , plump lips crashed with mine and it honestly felt so . fucking . good to be me at that moment.

After we released and I caught my breath I began to gather my things. Before I got out the car he said to me " tell big mike to hit my jack"

I unknowingly scrunched my eyebrows and said " How do you know my dad ? "

" I'm King , babygirl" he replied " you tell me how I know him"

I just chuckled and said " okay , call me tonight ? "

"For sure " he said and after that I was on my way up the never ending walkway to my front door. Once I got my door open I heard him turn up the music in his truck and speed off.

I smiled all the way up the stairs and up to my room. Just thinking about how it's been so long since a guy has made me feel this way. As promised , he called when he got back to his place and we talked until I felt myself falling asleep. Any other time I would fight it but sadly, I had to work tomorrow morning and afternoon.

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