Rooftop Talk

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  Patton let out a sigh, his breath showing in the winter air. He stared up at the sky, shivering as the night got colder. The man wished he had brought a blanket up to the roof with him but he hadn't exactly planned to end up here. He came here often to think when he was stressed, the sky bringing him a gentle comfort the rest of the world didn't. Patton loved to daydream about what it would be like to be up there. The clouds against his skin, the wind in his hair, far away from all the troubles of being on the ground. He wished sometimes he could just jump off the roof and into the sky, though he knew it wasn't possible. The curly haired man turned his head when he heard a noise, looking over to see a familiar man climbing up onto the roof with him.
  "I thought I'd find you here." He said, his heterochromatic eyes shining softly in the moonlight. "It's freezing out here, you should come inside." A gentle hand brushed across his cheek, wiping away tears he didn't even know were there.
  He sniffled, scrubbing at his cheeks and sitting up. "Do I have to..?" He asked, looking at the scarred man with sorrowful eyes.
  Janus sighed, pushing Pat's hair out of his eyes. "I suppose I can't force you to. Are you okay?"
  The air around them seemed to hang in silence for a long moment before Patton answered finally."I..I'm fine." He said, his eyes glancing away from the taller man.
  Janus cupped his cheek, looking down at him. "You are a terrible liar, Frogger." He sighed, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against Patton's. "You aren't fine. Tell me what's wrong."
  Tears started to stream down his face as he instinctively wrapped his arms around Janus' shoulders, their lips almost brushing as he thought of everything that was going on. "I'm just..tired." He said, his blue eyes looking into Janus' own brown and amber ones. "I've just been so tired recently, all I want to do is sleep, but I can't. I have to be up and happy and take care of everyone and just..I don't think I can do this anymore.." He felt pathetic as a sob escaped his lips and he broke down.
Janus pulled him into a hug, running his fingers through Patton's hair. Patton buried his face into taller man's shoulder, finally letting out all of the pent up tears and stress. "It's going to be alright." The scarred man murmured softly, trying to soothe his crying friend. "I'm here for you. You don't have to take care of everyone and everything on your own. You're just one person. Let me help you, Patton. You deserve the world."
The smaller man continued to cry, clinging to his friend, until he had let it all out. He sniffled, shivering from more than just the cold now. "Janus..?" He asked, not looking up at him.
"Yeah Frogger?"
"Do you think things will ever be like when we were kids again?"
Janus rested his chin on Patton's head. "Of course Pat. One day everything will be good like it was back then, I promise." Honey seemed to have slipped into the scarred man's voice as he answered.
It was a lie yet it still soothed Patton of his worries. Janus always knew what to say to make him feel better. The curly haired man pulled away slightly before resting his hand on his friend's cheek. His heart raced as he looked up at him, their lips so very close. He let out a soft gasp as Janus closed the gap, both of the men closing their eyes. Janus pulled Patton as close as he could, kissing him sweetly. Patton couldn't help himself as he cried, kissing him back with passion and adoration evident in it.
After a few moments they broke apart, their breath showing in the air as they panted softly. The world seemed to have slowed down as they stared into each other's eyes.
There was a soft smile on Janus' face. "Why don't we get you inside and warmed up, okay?" He asked, though it was more of a command.
Patton nodded, finally ready to come down from the roof. "Y-Yeah." He shuddered a bit, sniffling in the cold. The small man got to his feet carefully and got down from the roof, waiting for Janus in the yard. "Can..can I sleep in your room tonight?"
The taller man smiled at him, now down as well, and ruffled his hair a bit. "Of course. I don't mind." He answered as the two of them went into the house together.
Patton hoped no one else was up, he didn't want to have to explain himself. He looked over at Janus, slipping his hand into his friend's. Friend..right. He thought, remembering his place in Janus' life. Sure they had kissed but it was so hard to gauge the other man's true feelings. He followed him to his room, near his own, and went inside. Janus took off his shirt and pants, climbing into the bed and waiting for him. The small man swallowed a bit, cheeks red as he followed suit, laying with the man.
Patton curled as close as he could to his friend, hiding his face."Janus can I ask you something..?"
"You know you can ask me anything, Frogger."
That nickname made his heart skip a beat and his stomach do flips as he took a calming breath. "Do you love me?"
Janus seemed to tense a bit at the question. "Of course I do. I love you a lot, Patton." He answered, a soft honey in his voice once more as he took Patton's glasses and set them on the nightstand.
"I love you too." Pat said, closing his eyes and curling closer to him. "Goodnight, Jan."
"Goodnight, my dear."
Hi there! Pj here! I'm wrote this on a whim, lemme know if you want more and leave suggestions for other ships if you like. Hope you all liked it 💙💙
~ Your dad, Pj

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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