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Highschool... what a time to be alive. Louis didn't understand how he always ended up in a closet at parties, but he did. All thanks to his brilliant friend Liam, who thinks it's okay to drag him to parties and then leave him to get drunk. The blue eyed was caught up in his thoughts when suddenly the door opened and a much taller boy came in, almost falling over some shoes.

"Excuse me?" said Louis and the mystery man turned around, he had nice curls and green eyes, he looked fit like he could easily lift Lou- wait that's gay. "Oh sorry didn't realize it was taken, you're quite short so couldn't see ya" Harry turned to see the boy who he was talking to and was left speechless. Such a pretty face on a pretty neck... Not as pretty as his girlfriend! Right.. her.

"Gimme a break I'm big!" exclaimed the short boy standing on his tippy toes. "Sure Jan" teased the curly one. "What's your name?" he asked, "Louis, um Tomlinson. Yours?" the interaction was weird since they were in a closet "Harry Styles, pleasure to meet you" said Harry extending his hand to shake Louis'.

"Same here, what are you doing in here?" he asked moving to lean on the wall. "Escaping from my overbearing girlfriend, yourself?" he questioned "Escaping from my drunk best friend" they laughed at the similarity of their situations. They spent the rest of the night talking and found out they went to the same school, except Harry was a senior and Louis a Junior.

They were at the back to school party and it would have been boring if it weren't for each others company. At about 2 am the party had pretty much died and while people were puking their guts out outside, Harry and Louis were laughing in the small closet. "Loueh" the heard a voice yell from outside, a clearly drunk voice. "Well that's my cue, I'll see you in school on Monday? Unless you one of those cool kids that doesn't talk to the people in school that he does at parties" teased the blue eyed getting up from his spot on the ground.

"You caught me! Just kidding I will see you Monday, but here's my cell in case you miss me too much" joked Harry as they stepped out. "I think I can manage" answered Louis. They both felt like the proper way to say goodbye would be to hug, but as two straight male friends they just fist bumped. "LoUeHH" slurred the same voice as before "Yes Liam on my way" he said nodding to Harry and jogging away.

As he drove his drunk friend back to the house he couldn't help but think Harry and his handsome features. The curly haired man was doing the same as he lay in bed that night, he thought about Louis eyes, his curvy waist that ended in a bubble butt and his soft cheekbones. They both pushed those thoughts away cause a boy can't like another boy. At least not those two boys.

"Goddamnit Liam how can a hangover last two fucking days? Little shit I cleaned your puke while you cried about how much you loved dick" Louis complained to his groaning friend who claimed to have a headache. It was currently Monday morning and while Liam and Louis were searching for their lockers, Harry was having his face eating by Camille against said lockers.

"314, 314? What the hell where's my bloody locker" Louis was annoyed that he could find it, until he started counting and... great a douche and a hoe making out on top of his locker. "Excuse me get a room and move away from my locker thank you very much " he said not realizing it was Harry. As soon as the green eyed boy heard Louis' angelic and very sassy voice he lightly pushed Taylor away and turned his attention to the boy.

"Louis Tomlinson" he grinned staring the boy down. "Harold Styles" sassed back the boy rolling his eyes "Camille Rowe" spoke an annoying voice the short boy knew he would not like "Now that we all know each other mind if I steal Harry back" she said tugging the curly boy's arm. "Whatever" replied Louis more interested in organizing his books. "Actually babe I think I might hang with Lou for a while" said Harry, surprising both Louis and Camille. "What? No we're leaving" she whined "Camille I don't want to go with you, leave" spoke the curly one and Louis laughed as the blonde walked away.

We met in the closet (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now