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The beautiful New York City sunset came through my apartment window as I stared out, coffee in hand. Taking a slow sip, the world felt so quiet and calm this morning. It was my first day at my new job and needless to say, I was so excited to start. I was starting as an editor for The First Order Publishing House, which was a huge deal.

Just getting out of college with an English degree, it felt nearly impossible that I would find a job this quickly. And this important. The First Order was the biggest publishing company in the city, being also the most competitive. It swelled me with confidence knowing I was picked to work at such a prestigious company.

I wasn't due in until 9 AM, but sleep was simply not coming to me the night before. Excitement and nerves filled me, causing me to toss and turn. So, I got up and made myself a big pot of coffee to watch the sun rise. My beautiful one bedroom apartment filled with the soft sunlight as I walked into my tiled bathroom to get ready.

The night before, I picked out my outfit, hanging it to rid the wrinkles from the fabric. Autumn encased the city with a beautiful chill in the air, so the proper attire was needed. A mid-length plaid skirt, paired with long brown socks and my brown shoes, a black turtleneck, and my long tan coat.

After slipping into my outfit, I took one last look at myself in the mirror before leaving. Giving myself a reassuring smile, I grabbed my purse before leaving for the office.

It was only a 15 minute walk away, which was a great addition to the job. Getting to see my beautiful city in the morning also made me smile. The Upper East Side looking absolutely gorgeous during the fall. The honking of horns was suddenly muted when I walked into my favorite deli to grab some breakfast to go.

"Well, if it isn't Ms. Editor-In-Chief!" The older man from behind the counter yelled out. With a kind smile, I laughed and shook my head.

"Not quite, Stanley." I walked up to the counter and leaned on it, my hands placed on the glass. "How are you doing today?"

"Pretty well! Been busy all morning. What are we having, Aria? The usual?"

My usual order was known by everyone in the deli. Egg on an everything bagel with swiss cheese. I never strayed from it. Trying different things just wasn't in me. Sameness and comfort was what I loved. "Please, thanks." Taking my card out to pay, I was stopped by a hand pushing it back at me.

"On me today, all right?" I shook my head at his kind gesture, pushing my card back at him. "Oh no, Stanley. Please. You work far too hard-"

"I won't hear another word! Order coming up in a minute, okay?" His New York accent was thick, which made me smile. I've known him basically my whole life. After my parents died, he became a dad to me. He helped me through everything, including financial struggles.

After a few more minutes of waiting, my order was brought out by Stanley's son, Luca. "Here ya go, Ms. Editor-In-Chief." With a smirk, he handed me the bagel and the small cup of coffee that came complimentary.

Rolling my eyes, I scoffed softly. "Did your dad tell you to say that?" Hearing the man bust out laughing in the back, I couldn't help but laugh myself as I started out the door.

"Thanks, guys. And wish me luck!" After being showering with luck and praise, I pushed through the door. Pushing, unfortunately, straight into someone with my hot coffee. I gasped as I covered my mouth, my cup now splattered on the steps and his clean shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

Hearing a deep hiss exiting from the tall man, he groaned as he attempted to wipe off the coffee from his suit. "What the fuck, look next time!"

I gulped, staring at his now stained shirt. He didn't even look my way, his annoyed eyes trained on trying to fix my mess. I shook my head, as I was lost for words, before he walked into the deli steaming mad. "Well, not the best way to start off my first day..." I said to myself, sighing before continuing to walk to work.

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