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Bittersweet merlot was sitting in our glasses as we stood on his balcony, looking over the city. The glittering lights from down below shined, the closest thing to star gazing we were going to get. A soft, fuzzy blanket hung from my shoulders. The air was so cold, but there was something so tempting about being outside.

Kylo was beside me, his arm around my waist, as we both gazed ahead at the softly falling snow. Just barely collecting on the railing in front of us. We were silently observing, smiles tugging up at our lips. Every now and then, he'd tug me in close and kiss my temple. I hadn't once thought about what I had been so distracted by before at work.

The day proved to be more exhausting for him then me. All the new authors, that swarmed the lobby, kept him busy. Almost too busy. He didn't have time to take a break or eat lunch. I felt terrible, but he reassured me it would get better. I just hoped he was right.

After about 20 minutes, I started to shiver from the cold. My skin prickling up as chills accumulated on my arms. "Come on, let's go in," Kylo said as he took me by the hand and helped me through the sliding glass doors.

The Chinese take-out cartons were still scattered across the counter in the kitchen. Both of us too tired to even think of cooking. As we walked in, the door closing behind me, I chugged down the rest of my wine. My stomach instantly becoming warmer, my head a bit dizzy. Just as I placed my glass down into the sink, I felt Kylo's hands exploring my torso and sides.

"My gorgeous girl," he purred into my ear, kissing my ear lobe. I bit down on my lip and smirked, my hands finding his arms before turning around. Those explorative fingers snaked under the blanket I was clutching and pulled me into him. Our lips connecting deeply, my skin buzzing from the high of his touch and the wine that filled my bloodstream.

Pausing for a moment, he pulled back and looked down at me. "So..." His honey coated voice nearly made my knees buckle.

"So..." I tilted my head, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

He chuckled, caressing my face softly. "So, are you going to tell me what was bothering you before?"

Sudden nerves sent electricity up my spine, my breath hitching a bit in my throat. I had forgotten all about it in the clutches of this beautifully calm night. My lips parted for a moment, trying to think of what to say. What if he said no to us living together? What if he hates the idea?

"Rey and Rose are moving in together this weekend," I croaked out, my eyes wider than I'd like them to be.

"Oh, that's great!" It was clear to me in his smile he didn't understand what this had to do with anything. "Is that bad?"

Shaking my head furiously, I took a step away. My hands holding the blanket tightly around me for security. "No, no. Not at all."

Another soft chuckle escaped him as he turned towards me, leaning on the counter. "Okay... So then, what's the matter?"

My eyes met his. The confidence in his expression meeting my nerve ridden one. I stammered for a bit before responding. My brain running a mile a minute. "How would you feel if we moved in together?" The words practically fell out of my mouth. My abrupt question left him dumbfounded. Men, can't see what's right in front of their face.

Kylo's eyes searched everywhere for answers but me. He wouldn't dare look me in the eyes. "Is that something you want?" He had the same look on his face when I told him I had feelings for him. Thin, tight lips. Cold expression. Hair drooping over his eyes. Watching him like that made me want to cry all over again.

"Uh, yeah. Yes."

I was too familiar with this Kylo. Closed off, cold, and unwilling to get any closer. I could see it in his stare. We were quiet for a while. "Aria, I'm not sure." Those shaking fingers he gripped the counter with were now running through his hair. His breaths deep but quivering.

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