Platforms and People

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Someone taps Hermione on the shoulder. She turns to see Draco Malfoy, standing there in all his glory. He has a genuine smile on his face which is different from his usual sly smirk. Hermione supposes the war may have changed him. "What do you want Mal um Draco?" She asks, unsure if she should grab her wand or stay unarmed.

"It's just I want to apologize for the mean things I've said to you. I seriously didn't want to. My father made me and if I didn't, Crabbe an Goyle would tell him. If he found out, sweet Merlin he would kill me. But, anyway, I'm really sorry Hermione."

Hermione heats him saying her name And laughs internally. A pureblood calling a Muggleborn with their actual name? What kind of sorcery is this.

"Any why should I believe you?" She asks, her wand still in her hand under her coat.

"Don't worry I'm not that guy and never wanted to be." He smiles and turns to walk away but then asks, "Hermione?"

"Yes Draco?" she asks softly, not wanting to be too eager.

"Do you have any idea who Head Girl is?"

"Yes in fact it's me!" She say enthusiastically and internally groans. There goes the subtleness.

"Well nice to meet you Head Girl, I'm head boy. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other this year," he says grinning.

"Oh!" Hermione squeaks in a surprised tone, not sure if she should be happy about this revelation.

"Yeah well I better go," he says before walking off and boarding the train. Hermione waves slightly before shaking her head in confusion.

"Draco Malfoy. Maybe he has actually changed. Maybe he isn't the prat he's always been. Oh who am I kidding? He's still a prat just not that big of one." She mutters, having a conversation with herself, while looking around for her friends.

She sees them enter the platform. Harry and Ron smile at her and she makes her way to them. She was glad they decided to come back to repeat their final year. She would have been very bored without them.

"Why was the ferret talking to you?" Ron asks, immediately losing the smile on his face.

"He was apologizing." She responds, hoping it won't aggravate him.

"For what?" Harry asks, curious about the motives of his once enemy.

"For calling me names. Oh, and he's head boy." She says, hoping they wouldn't catch it.

"What?" both of the boys say in shock.

"Yeah. I really thought it would be one of you." Hermione said, still not sure about how she feels with spending that much time with Malfoy. 

Ron rolls his eyes and begins speaking with Harry. Hermione sighed and opened up Hogwarts a History, reading her favorite book again to pass the time.

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