Hogwarts and Home

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When the train arrived at Hogwarts, Hermione and Draco helped with the luggage, especially the fragile items. Professor Trewalaney would lose it if one more fortune ball was broken. As they finished, they were ushered to go to the opening feast.

After the sorting, Draco looked at Hermione, not expecting her to notice. She stands up and Draco follows, both meeting outside the Great Hall to find their password. They arrive at McGonnagal's office to find it taped to the door.

"The password is 'true love'" Hermione reads. The note is written in runes. McGonagall was not about to give the password out to anyone.

"Wow dramatic don't you think?" Draco asks with sarcasm dripping within his voice.

"I'm with you on that one" Hermione said with a smile.

They walk up past the Room if Requirement and go to our common room. The portrait of a girl is the entrance and we say the password and enter. Draco began to laugh. "I swear it's like Christmas threw up in here," he muttered. Hermione rolled her eyes and goes to see what her room looks like. She had a red and gold room and Draco had a green and silver room. The house pride would never get old.

Hermione looked at Draco and smiled lightly. "It's a bit cold don't you think?" she said, trying to make conversation.

Draco agreed. "I'm planning on doing some light reading by the fire if you want to join me?" Hermione smiled and nodded, stepping into her room and closing her door.

Draco ventured to the common area, lighting the fire and picking up a book. Hermione walked down the steps and sat down on the couch with Draco, who was laying down and reading.

"Hey." he said as he sat up, giving her more room.

"Hi." She said and looked at the book Draco was reading. "Fences?" she asked.

"Yeah it's a great play. Have you read it, wait don't answer that. You probably have."

"Yeah it's amazing." She said, continuing to talk with Draco for the rest of the night while they sat by the fire.


Draco woke up and saw that he was on a couch. A green and gold striped couch. He saw a heap of brown curls on his lap as he sat up. He ripped his eyes, making sure he wasn't still dreaming. He guessed he and Hermione had just fallen asleep while talking. She stirred in her sleep.

"Morning Granger." Draco said grinning.

Hermione's eyes shot open as she looked up at his. Her eyes had a beautiful chocolate brown color, with little specks of light in them. They were mesmerizing. 

Draco leaned in and Hermione did the same. Their lips touched. Hermione pulled back and stood up, turning to walk away. She was just about to walk away when Draco grabbed her wrist.

Hermione looked down at where his hand was on hers and huffed. "How would your father feel about you kissing a muggleborn?" she asked.

"He's in Azkaban. To hell with him. I'm going to do what I want." Draco said defiantly. Hermione looked at him in confusion but sat back down. "I'm going to kiss you again Granger. Don't run away."

Hermione sat still, not knowing what was happening. It was too early for her mind to process anything. She ended up snogging him for 5 minutes, with her alarm's ringing  pulling them out of the heated moment. She got up and walked into her room, closing the door and sitting on her bed.

She eventually changed, taking her time in hopes that he would be gone. But, she was not so lucky. She walked to down the stairs to see Draco waiting for her with a smirk on his face. "Ready to go?"

"You want to walk to breakfast with me?" Hermione asked, still not sure of what had happened.

"Yeah. Why not? And what better time to ask you to the room of requirement. If you don't want to go it's fine and if you don't want people to see us we can just say it's a head requirement," he said quickly, hoping she wouldn't reject him.

Hermione pauses before answering. "I suppose it should be fine. However I'd rather not tell anyone. People may make it a bigger deal than it is," she said,  not intending to be rude.

"Well it's settled then. See you later Granger." He said as they approached the great hall. Hermione stood at the doors, watching him walk in. What had just happened? And why was she somehow okay with it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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