Chapter 4: Buried.

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Courtney hated this. She was sweaty. She was cold. It was dark. The shovel was heavy.

But she forces herself to keep going. She plunged the shovel into the dirt and lifted the soil out and into the mound next to her.

She glanced around again. She was in the middle of the forest in the in the middle of London. No one ever came here, it was pitch black even in the middle of the day.

Perfect place to hide a body.

Courtney didn't like thinking about what she was planning to do. It made her disgusted with herself.

Yet, here she was, digging a hole at 3 am. Plunging her shovel deeper and deeper into the soft dirt.

She had revised her plan a bit. She was going to "seduce" Bianca and lead her to the forest. Then was going to quite literally backstab her.

Then it was just a matter of burying the body, cleaning up blood, and burning the knife.

She set the shovel down and adjusted her gloves.

"I think that's deep enough..."

She pulled out her phone, opened Google maps and marked her location. She pulled herself out of the hole then picked up the shovel and rested it against her shoulder, using her GPS to find her way home.

She shoved the shovel into their shed and flew into her bedroom window. She tore off the gloves and aggressively threw them in the trash.

God, she hated herself.

She was quiet on the walk to school.

"You're going to kill her, aren't you?"

Courtney looked at Parker, startled, "How did you...?"

"You never wear gloves," He said gesturing to her conspicuous rubber gloves.

She simply nodded and looked away again.

She walked behind the school and wasn't surprised by the presence of Bianca.

Bianca peered at her through her pink tinted glasses and smirked, "Ah, hello,"

Courtney easily forced a smirk back,

"Hello~" she cooed.

A faint blush appeared on her face and she raised an eyebrow, "Is that a flirty tone I hear?"


Bianca stepped close and wrapped her arms around her. She leaned her head down and kissed Courtney's neck, leaving a mark. Courtney allowed herself to let out a soft moan, to trick Bianca into thinking she was enjoying it.

"We should go somewhere private,"

"I know just the place~" Courtney quickly says,

Courtney lead her by the hand into the forest, which was only half a kilometer away.

"The forest?"

"No one is ever there,"

Bianca smirked, "Good thinking,"

Courtney peeked around the trees to see her hole a good 4 meters away. Just enough that Bianca wouldn't see it.

She fingered the knife in her pocket. Bianca leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back and pulled out the knife.

Before she could stop herself, she thrusted the knife into Bianca's stomach.

She heard a squishing noise and felt hot liquid on the pour across her hand and splatter across her front. Bianca went still. She pulled the knife out and she fell to the ground.

Courtney couldn't move. She could only stare as blood pooled around Bianca's body. She was still breathing... She was just unconscious...

Then she slowly looked at the knife. It was drenched in blood, all the way to the hilt.

That's what happens when you push a knife so far in.

Courtney pulled herself together and set the knife in the ground. She grabbed Bianca's ankles and dragged her over to the hole.

She crouched down by her and put her hands under her before rolling her into the hole. She picked up the shovel she had brought back out this morning and scooped up some dirt from the pile. She dumped it into the hole.

She supposed she was kinda burying Bianca alive, not that she'd last long with that wound.

But Courtney just kept scooping and dumping until there was no dirt left. She used to the shovel to pat and smooth the dirt down.

Adrenaline still pumping, she walked over to the knife. She picked it up and flew to her house.

As her parents were at work, it was empty. She walked to the kitchen, took off her gloves and dropped them into the trash. She cleaned the knife in the sink and left it there. She realized she got the handle of the shovel dirty by touching it with her bloody gloves.

So she hosed it down.

Then she sat down in the grass, heart pounding.

She killed someone. She was a monster.

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