James Imagian

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You were the original Janoskinator, their first fan. how? you're the brooks brothers younger sister, you're a year younger than the twins, you were taken by yours and the boys farther at a few days old when he ran off with you, you were 7 when Gina your mother got you back. Your farther left you out the frount of a house in swan hill, that turned out to be your cousin stephans, when they realized who you were they called Gina right away. You grew up with the boys from then and you also grew up with thier friends Daniel and James.

You were all close but you felt really close to James.. one because you were the same age and also because he was always at your house. you always had a on and off crush on him, on and off meaning you felt weird liking your brothers best friend so you pushed away the feelings. But the feeling never went away after you sheared your first kiss with him in year 7 while on school camp.

today is the day of thier welcome home part, after being in L.A for so long. you were super excited to see your brothers again , have that long awated drink up with skip and that heartfelt moment when you saw james again. they have been home for a week but have been in and out of studios and meetings, so its only been your mum that has really seen them because you have only just finished school .. forever.

__that night__

You had caught up with everyone and spent a few hours before the party with your older brothers, during the party you minggled among people but you mostly stuck with James, you both sat down and talked for ages, he seemed like he was getting tipsy from drinking so you took advantage of it and grabbed his had and held it, knowing he wouldnt notice.

" I'm not as drunk as you think i am y/n, if you wanted to hold hands all you had to do was ask."

you just blushed and hid your face in your free hand. Ronnie called James to come over , he stood up and held his hand out for you, he put his arm aroung your waist and you held his hand that was around you.

" James you remember Violet, she was in one of the music vids" Ronnie said with a hickup.

" yeah i do" james said trying to avoid the situation.

when all of a sudden this blonde bimbo cow pushes you off james and starts to smother him. how dare she could she not see you were with James... well kinda. when she started to kiss and suck on him and he did nothing you just stormed of into the house and sheltered yourself in your room.

after about 10 minutes you hear a knock on your door. " I'm fine mum, just tired, go enjoy the party you yell at the door."

the door crecked open and James stepped in closing the door behind him, he walked over and sat on the end of your bed.

" why did you walk off?"

" because i didn't want to stan there and be a third wheel to you and the bimbo."

" come on thats not what happened"

"James she was all over you! "

" why do you care , im never gonna see her again she was just a very random hook up that i didn't paln"

" just some hook up ! is that how you saw me in year 7 , some hook up. And i care because i love you james."

"wait what"

"just go james "

" i knew you liked me ages ago.. but i didnt think you loved me."

"well i do, not like you care tho"

" i do care, i kissed you in year seven because i wanted my first kiss to be with somone i loved, yes thats right loved. what am i saying LOVE! "

" you don't love me you just want me to feel better."

" if i didn't care or love you would i do this."

he stood up and picked you up and put you on his waist you wrapped your legs around him so you wouldn't fall, he lent in and kissed you softly, you both moved your lips in sync.

"you're a better kisser than i remember"

" its because i don't have braces anymore and i know what im doing"

he pushed you back on to the bed and kissed you harder, you were making out for a few seconds then his tounge licked your bottom lip making you gasp so that he could put his toungue in your mouth then teasing your tongue, you did this untill you were both out of breath, then you just layed there in eachothers arms for the rest of the night while the party went on outside.

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