Chapter 4: Talengar

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Grall looked out of his window, a strange sense of peace came over him as he watched the young man below entering and exiting the house next to his, Grodaks house. How stupid are these young spy's? Grall mused as he stepped from the window. Don't they realize that we always have our chiefs house under surveillance?

It was an hour till dawn and Gralls spies were ordered not to act upon the intruders unless they posed a threat to Grodak. Grall knew what they were doing, securing hiding spots for when the time was right, and they could strike. Anyone else would've captured these spy's the moment they entered their chieftains house and under normal circumstances so would Grall, but these weren't normal circumstances.

Grall knew the moment he captured one, the rest would retreat and try another tactic, possibly with more backup. Grall knew the best way to put an end to their plans was to lure them into a false sense of security and capture them all, dead or alive.

Grall was no longer by the window but he kept his new eyesight trained upon the house, not trusting that this would be the end. A few minutes past before he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Grall commanded, he knew who it was and didn't bother to raise his head. "What do you have to report Fluffles?"

A Tabaxi with short white fur stood in front of him. The very presence of this creature would make anyone cringe in fear. He wasn't any ordinary Tabaxi after all, but a Tabaxi that has been inflicted with vampirism, and one who owed Grall a life dept.

"We have determined that these men will be attacking tonight, just as the morning sun peeks over the horizon." Fluffles spoke with a slight purr in his voice, obviously pleased with himself.

"How many?" Grall asked, he knew that Fluffles, being his best agent, would know.

"Do I really need to tell you?" Fluffles asked with a smile upon his cat like features.

"Humor me." Grall smiled back at him, he enjoyed these games with Fluffles, it was one of the few things he could enjoy.

"Around ten of them, my lord." Fluffles tail twitched in anticipation of the next question, but there wasn't time for another one.

"Good," Grall said, "take three of our best and be prepared to attack when they do."

Fluffles looked to Grall quizzically. "Me, my lord?" He asked, his confusion plain to see. "What will you be doing in the meantime, my lord?"

Grall looked up to him just then, a smile pulling at his lips. "I shall be visiting my brother. I think it's time to report our findings to him."

Grall knocked upon the wooden door of Grodaks house, knowing full well that his brother was asleep. A moment later, the door swung open revealing a tired looking, half-dressed Grodak. Grall could imagine how the women of the tribe would fawn over the sight of him and would kill to see him as he is now.

"What do you want, Grall." Grodak spoke with a mixture of anger and sleep in his voice. "Can't you see that not even the sun has risen to greet the day yet?"

"Well, brother," Grall said in his most energetic voice, "I thought now would be a good time to discuss the scout's movements and what my spy's have discovered."

Grodak sighed and opened the door for Grall to walk in, then turned around and left. Grall figured he had gone to get dressed and to splash water on his face to help him wake up. When Grodak returned, he was fully dressed and had an arm full of documents that he had obviously planned to have Grall look at.

Grall sighed himself upon seeing the stack of papers, he knew most of them confused Grodak, so he had asked Gralls help often in these past few days. Grall didn't mind, however, but he knew eventually Grodak would need to learn them on his own. Grall kept that to himself however, not because he feared his brother would force him to stay, but because he knew that if he had said anything, Grodak would be even more reluctant to learn.

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