Chapter 2 - The Concert And Jungkook

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~this is where you meet the first lover boy, omg I'm so excited, I'm trying to make it quite long and update daily. Hope you like it!! ;)) ~

Katie's POV

You stepped forward as an incredibly tall man checked your tickets. Tall men were a rare thing here. Usually you would never dream about seeing anyone over 6 foot but here was a 6 foot 4 god. He was buff and bad boy; just your type ; but he was just a bouncer so you knew you would flirt and that's it. People labelled you as a 'prostitute' because you had a habit of flirting with every hot guys in a mile radius. This was not true though, it was all an act. You believed in love and you had only ever slept with one guy and he was some stupid high school jock. Your first love. You vowed not to do it again until you found the one. This was the one thing Jen knew about you but never told a soul- she didn't want to ruin your act.

Stepping forward, you let the man check your tickets. "Hello there, " you said grinning and winking flirtatiously. You were ready to go into full flirt mode when Jen gave you a look. "what?" you whispered. Jen reached forward and fist bumped the guy. "seojekkk wassup, how was the date with yoon?" she inquired, knowing you'd get the hint. He was gay. Whoops. You just smiled politely and said "it was nice to meet you seojek, " and walked briskly into the hall where you could here the people getting ready for the music.

Jen grabbed your wrist so you wouldn't try to escape to the toilet like you did last time. You weren't into k-pop. You weren't really into music that much. But if you were going to listen to music, k-pop would be the last resort. It's so cringy, you thought to yourself. People were scattered everywhere. This was the second biggest arena in Seoul and was known for not having seats. Great I have to stand for 2 hours, you thought to yourself again, atleast I'm not saying this out loud- God I'm always doing that, i really need to stop. "Stop muttering to yourself, I can sense the negative energy!" Jen butt in, "Seriously though, tonight is going to be the best concert you have been to yet, trust me. WOOO HOOO!!"
She knew you didn't trust anyone.

"Please welcome to the stage bangtan seodan, bullet proof boyscouts or BTS!!"

Jungkooks POV

"The army is going wild AGAIN, " Tae whispered too me before we stepped on stage. I just nodded. Tae doesn't get it. He loves his fans. He loves being worshipped and adored. I love my job but I hate the people. I hate thousands of 13-20 year old girls all screaming that they love me when they don't. They think they do but they dont. Why can't they just appreciate me for my music? Why does it matter if I have abs or not? Why don't they love my music and not me? It's a question that I know will never be answered. God I know I sounds so spoilt and stuck up but I can't help thinking these things. Man I need to stop muttering all the time.

"Let's do this guys!" Namjoon screamed. He was always so hyped up and I don't know how he managed it. It was just the same songs as last night with the same choreo. I may as well get this over with, then I can just go home and play on my PS. "Whatever you say hyung," I replied and we all ran into the flashing lights and screams.

I only messed up once and I even gave them a flash of my abs. I love teasing them like that even if it annoys me.

Our producer congratulated us and told us about a new tour we would be going on in a few months. He told us tonight was our best show yet even though he says that every night. I grabbed a towel to dry my face and my black cap and followed the others to the limo that was waiting for us at the end of the red carpet out of the back of the arena. This would be the last bit of talking to the fans for the next week and then i can relax. The paps had there fun and took loads of group shots of us but I just clung to tae because he always stole the camera with his flirty grin.

I followed everyone to the limo some more and waited for them to get in. I was about to get in when suddenly, I noticed a girl screaming from behind the crowd of paps. Her accent was kinda muddled and I could tell she was American. Her Korean friend seemed to be trying to calm her down. She ran through the paps screaming and tumbled right into my arms. She had glistening green eyes that caught the light and the cutest little smile ever. She always had a really skimpy outfit on which is a very big mistake at concerts; all sorts of bad men are around. "HELP! HELP! A CREEPY MAN KEEPS TRYING TO GRAB ME IN PLACES I DONT WANT TO BE GRABBED! HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! HELP! PLEASE!" she yelled in my face. The man emerged from the paps smirking. I grabbed his collar and punched him twice in the gutt. This kind of guy disgusted me and I had to say, it felt good to be the Knight in shining armour. The only problem was that the press would have a field day but I didn't care. The man fell to the ground and some of my bodyguards dragged him away to finish him off. The girls Korean friends ran out and apologised. "I'm so so so so sorry about her. I told her not to get in the way and calm down and just slowly walk away but she wouldn't listen, I'm Jen by the way, " Jen said. "No she did the right thing it's okay," I offered. "And what's your name, hey?" I asked Green eyes. "Katie, " She breathed, still in shock of the whole situation. Poor girl. "Don't worry Katie I will help Jen get a cab for you and then she'll take you home safely to your bed, okay?" I reassured her. And I kept my word.

"What happened then, huh?" Tae asked as I stepped into the limo. I just met the most beautiful girl in the world. "Oh nothing just some fan getting in the way, " I explained and we drove back home.

~So that was her meeting jungkook I guess. Still no one has found my book. Im not really surprised just a bit sad I guess. I'm not gonna stop writing though :) ~

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