Chapter 7- First 'date', Part 1

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~I know how cringy I'm about to sound but I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's been messaging me and being so kind to me on this app. It's great to have other writer friends and know people care about my writing (even if there is only 28 of you haha). Prepare for a long chapter xx~

Taehyungs POV
I got out of bed and trudged to the kitchen. The apartment was silent and  I hated that. It's never silent. I guess no one else is up yet. It's not even that early it's like 9. I better go to our gym today so I don't turn into a dumpling like yoongi. Hahaha that's a good nickname for him actually.

I sat down and grabbed two waffles and chucked them in the toaster. I ran my finger nails up and down the counter top. This really annoys jin hahaha. I whistled to myself since no one else was around so I couldn't annoy anyone or get judged. Then I heard a bang and a thud and a moan. Either someones having a bit too much fun or someone's dropped something. I opened the door to the room where it came from. It was jungkooks. Maybe he is awake. He was lying on the floor rubbing his foot.

"You okay?" I asked him, trying to sound sincere. "Yup I just dropped the rucsaac on my foot but its okay..." he said quietly. "Why do you need a rucsaac, your only going to see your parents for the day?" I asked, curious. "Who crowned you jimin, Queen of fucking nosyness?" he snapped. "Geez sorry!" I said and slowly backed out of the room.

I wonder why he's so grouchy. He better not be doing something stupid. Oh well, I cant say anything because I'll just make it worse. I'll just leave him alone. He's my best mate, I can trust him.

Katie's POV
*knock knock*
"helloooo, you ready??" a kinda deep voice called through the door. "Almost, just let me get my shoes!!" you yelled back. This was a lie, you had been sat ready for half an hour as you had been way to over eager. He was still 2 minutes early though which told you he was also keen. You tip toed to the door and watched him through the peep whole. He was fixing his hair and looked flustered and stressed out. He had black shorts on, a black tank top and leather jacket  with black timberlands and a black rucksack on his back. He also had a facemask on but you guessed that was so no one realized his identity. He looked cute because his fringe looked almost sticky-uppy from the stress. You had a thin and tight shirt on too show off your figure, a short floaty skirt and some converse. You had also put the fancy plaits back in and no make up so that he felt you were comfortable in his presence. You thought you looked alright but nowhere near jungkook standard. You had purposely not brought a jacket incase he wanted to give you his.

As you opened the door, a huge smile spread across his face, bringing up his cheeks and making his eyes twinkle. His whole body seemed too relax and he seemed extremely happy. At least this means he might like me. "Hey you" you whispered, trying to sounds slightly seductive. "Hey" Jungkook replied, attempting to lock eyes with you. You glanced away as you didn't want to seem desperate for his attention. "Let's go on an adventure..." he purred and grabbed your hand. He smelled of freshly squeezed lime juice and cut grass. You locked the door quickly and then caught up to his speed and almost ran down the stairs of your apartment block, the two of you nearly knocking out your neighbour as you went.

"I feel like I've known you forever, " he said, looking genuine as you stepped into his Mercedes. "So do I, but in reality I barely know you, you could be a pervert or something!" you joked, trying to ease off the seriousness that jungkook had used. "Katie, I'm serious, it's weird, I wouldn't be spending a whole day with you unless I felt a connection with you..." he explained, his voice gradually getting quieter. He still hadn't started the car. "Maybe we knew each other in a past life. We do have a connection jungkook, i feel it too. Now, anyway, where are we going?" you said to answer his question but still not wreck the happy mood that was still floating around. He reached for the gears and started the engine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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