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3 months later:

"Soobin, are you going to come at school today?" Yeonjun called Soobin and asked him warily cause Soobin has been skipping school a lot these days. And his excuse is always the same which is family problems. Boys don't ask him or persuade him to say what's wrong anymore cause it feels like hampering privacy to them.

"No, not today hyung. Don't forget to send me the photos of notes tho. Thanks." He replied at the other side nonchalantly and before Yeonjun could say anything else- he hung up the call.

That made Yeonjun sigh in frustration. Yeonjun had been sending him notes and all to help him out but every thing seems so wrong to him. Yeonjun would always love spending time with Soobin and he used to become an automatic flirt whenever Soobin was with him. But for a couple of months, nothing is going normal. Soobin doesn't get flustered or swayed like he used to be with Yeonjun. In fact, this Soobin is distancing himself so much from him and his friends actually from every thing.

It's bothering Yeonjun a lot. Soobin used to get highest marks in exam but lately his marks are dropping down, the new uninvited bags under his eyes are getting darker. He barely comes to school, barely talks and barely hangs out with his friends.

It's becoming a bit suspicious to Yeonjun that if he's getting abused or something but Soobin has no wounds or any scar that can be seen.

Three months had passed like this.

Yeonjun dismissed his thoughts and did his classes. He thought to talk with his homies about this after school so he did.

Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai came to Yeonjun's home as told. They greeted Yeonjun's mom and went upstairs towards Yeonjun's room. Yeonjun's parents are supportive unlike parents with homophobia.

"What's with this sudden invitation hyung?" Kai asked, his eyebrows dancing as he hopped on the bed.

"Soobin isn't going to come?" Beomgyu asked sighing. Yeonjun shrugged off and replied, "no I didn't call him."

Three boys looked at him confused. "What's wrong bro?" Taehyun questioned.

"Don't you all feel that everything's wrong about Soobin?" Yeonjun took a deep breath, biting his lips anxiously.

"What do you mean hyung? Does this mean that you feel the same?" Kai questioned straightening up.

"So, not like I'm jumping in the conclusion for no reason and it's not some days. It's been a couple of months ever since Soobin started acting strange. Sometimes I feel like I'm overthinking but I can't stay quiet anymore. I want to feel light-hearted so I just thought of sharing my thoughts with you guys. Because you guys are my family." Yeonjun spoke and everyone exchanged glances with each other.

"Why everyone's thinking what I'm thinking?" Taehyun shrugged off and Beomgyu told, "Yeonjun hyung, Please continue."

"Don't ignore my words stupids." Taehyun rolled his eyes and Kai patted his head, "Yes my boy. We're all thinking the same."

"So basically, you know me and Soobin had that woosh woosh secret moosh moosh connection." Yeonjun chuckled at the thought of those days.

"Ew what's woosh woosh moosh moosh connection dude? You are making chimpanzees' sound." Taehyun snorted whereas Yeonjun glared at him.

"Excuji me, hyung is just shy to say that Soobin and he likes each other." Beomgyu laughed and this time Yeonjun glared at Beomgyu.

"Hyung, please continue." Kai uttered with curious eyes.

"Yes so uhm uh butterflies used to do marathon inside my stomach whenever I was with him. I loved that feeling. Also Soobin was shy, soft and he used to blush furiously. But then everything is changing. I hope that it's not true but I don't feel anything now when I'm with him and the fact that I'm barely with him. He ignores me like how he ignores us and everyone. I want to help him and it feels like something is bothering him and he's never ready to tell us so that we can escort him out from the problem. I want my Soobin back." At the end Yeonjun sighed and everyone was nodding.

"I feel like Soobin changed too. I mean he was so good type of, a perfect example of perfectness, I'm not saying that cursing is bad since we all curse the shit out but cursing was never Soobin's style. He often use cuss words randomly and it feels strange to hear from him. His voice has become too deep and it's weird." Hyuka rubbed his chin with his thumb, mumbling.

"I mean, based on our theories, it could be like an imposter captivated our Soobin and took his place if this was any drama." Taehyun wheezed making Beomgyu hit him on his shoulder making him whine.

"That's not the time for jokes." 

But what Taehyun said doesn't make sense yet it makes sense- Yeonjun thought concerned.

"What should we do now Hyung? Do you have any plan?" Taehyun asked confused.

"We can't make any plan with our assumptions Tae. Let's all give Soobin more time and stick to him even if he doesn't want to. What if we find anything or any clue or information about what's actually wrong." Yeonjun whispered but loud enough for them to hear.

"Let's play video games and chill for now." Kai suggested to ease the tension which was building inside the room.

(A/N): Chapters of this book are going to be short like this yk? Stay safe y'all. Vote and comment.

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