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"Hey Soobin~" Beomgyu called Zabin loudly as soon as he spotted him entering the club.

"Uh wassup?" Zabin coolly replied in the same frantic tone of Beomgyu.

"You reached in time. Are you excited?" Taehyun smirked at Zabin as Zabin smirked back saying yes.

They pretended to drink because they obviously need to be sober in this circumstance and their first step is to get Zabin drunk. Zabin already took two shots being unaware of everything. The dizziness started escalating when alcohol entered his body's bloodstream

Whereas Jin was keeping an eye on them from distance, mixing in the crowd of youngsters. Though he's unknown to Zabin, he's professional from head to toe. He knew that it wouldn't be safe to leave them alone when he could work as a backup. He quickly flipped his phone and unlocked it to send a text.

He didn't step out from his house today and he has reached here. We're distracting him and everything's clear . Best of luck.

Yeonjun breathed in and out with bravery, courageous and determination after seeing the text from Seokjin. It was diaphanous that the main door would be locked so he entered Soobin's house from the back door. Luckily, Soobin had given him the keys of his room and back door two years ago because he wanted Yeonjun to surprise him showing anytime.

Yeonjun didn't waste anytime and started searching the house corner to corner.

Since Zabin didn't go out today, Soobin must be here- Yeonjun thought and made his way to upstairs. He quickly unlocked Soobin's closed room and entered with hopes only to find out there's none. He felt disappointed but dismissed his disappointment and started thoroughgoing the vacant room.

Nothing. He found nothing.

Just one hint please- Yeonjun prayed and kept searching. He stumbled and ended up falling on the ground when his toe hit the edge of the bed. Wincing, he was about to get up but something caught his eyes.

"A key?" Yeonjun frowned, taking the key and standing up. "How the fuck can a key lead me to Soobin?" Yeonjun felt his heart sinking while scanning the key.

"Holy shit- this design." Yeonjun gasped and rushed to another locked room which is Soobin's parents room.

He scrunched up his nose in disgust, standing infront of the locked room. His goosebumps started rising, "ew this stink has gotten stronger." He gulped and tried unlocking the door with the key as it got unlocked.

"I guessed right. So same designed door and same key is same same." He whispered to himself and twisted the doorknob. He entered and met with nothing but darkness and the strongest disgusting astringent odor. He wanted to vomit and run away from there but he didn't anyway. Switching the lights on, the next thing he did is puke. He couldn't control anymore seeing the brutal sight. Two corpses lying on the bed, it seemed like they are sleeping but at the same time no. Their body is frozen as if someone put them in freezer for days. Their eyeballs almost coming out and their bodies and clothes are covered with rotten blood. Too terrible to describe.

Yeonjun let out a scream in disgust; he couldn't close his eyes. Where could his Soobin be? He closed the door and stepped aside from that room.

Didn't I hear muffled voice in the storeroom?- "yes storeroom!" Yeonjun confirmed in his mind before hurrying to storeroom to see the room's locked too. There's a glassed window attached to that storeroom which is facing on the east side means backyard of this house. Yeonjun knows every corner of Soobin's house except the always locked bedroom owned by Zabin.

Yeonjun ran to the backyards and didn't waste any time trying to unlock the locked window with the help of a skewer and needle. Yeonjun is a smart hacker and knows a lot of life hacks which are always helpful. Fortunately, the window unlocked making him rapt in relief. He entered the storeroom from window whimpering a bit because of the scratch he just got while entering.

Yeonjun started searching again and his heart stopped beating for some seconds when he noticed an odd big drum in the middle of the room. He gulped, removing the enframe and opening the aluminum coated heavy slab.

"OH MY GOD!?!" He gawked louder than bombs seeing Soobin tied and unconscious inside of the drum. He wanted to cry but he knew that's not the time. He grabbed a water bottle that he found near and sprinkled some drops on Soobin's face before starting to untie the rope and pulling away the tape from his mouth gently. He sprinkled some drops more and to his fortune Soobin came to his sense coughing.

His heavy eyelids started to apart slowly and his eyes widened seeing Yeonjun infront of him. Yeonjun grabbed his arm gently and helped him getting out of the drum. He engulfed him into a warm embrace, squeezing him tightly.

"Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?" Soobin whispered frowning as Yeonjun shook his head smiling, "I'm here Soob. Sorry I am late I am really sorr-" Soobin cut him off cupping his face, "You are real...this is real."
He hugged him again crying. As much as Yeonjun wanted to join him in weeping but this isn't the right place.

"Hyung, I've a gun." Soobin said and handed him the gun. Yeonjun looked at him in confusion, "Why would you? Is this a real gun?"

"Of course no. It's a toy." Soobin grinned in happiness as Yeonjun ended up wheezing.

"Soob can you walk?" He asked concern, looking at his weak figure. Soobin nodded smiling brightly. Yeonjun quickly unlocked the door from inside with his methods and held Soobin's hand, dragging him out from hell.

"No doubt that Dumbin is dangerous but he isn't that smart like how I thought." Yeonjun mumbled to himself, holding Soobin's hand while passing through the dark halls. Suddenly the lights turned on and laughter started to play. Yeonjun and Soobin both startled- especially Soobin was too afraid in fear of getting alone captivated again.

Yeonjun's heart again stopped beating for a moment as the wind that was fluxing felt like a slap to him when he saw Taehyun, Beomgyu, Kai and Jin tied up infront of him. A devilish face of Satan Zabin popped as his windshield laughter bursted again.

(A/N): imma give double update cz fuck yes.

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