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"You got this OSU!"


"I'm right here beautiful people!"

"Kick some ass baby!"

"Timothy you're so hot!"

I grumbled as loud squeals, yellings, drums and cheerings became unbearable to my weak eardrums making me lower the volume of my hearing aids to mot get totally deaf

I watched from above unnoticed and invisible to all of the eyes of the crowd on a black hoodie and a black face mask covering entirely everything on my face except my eyes

Yes I am currently crouched by the ceilings dark enough to be out of sight but clear enough for me to witness everything that is happening below me

From my position I could clearly see the guys wearing silky white and gold accented jerseys the Southern Sphinx the opposing team and on the other side of the court was the Raging Thunderbirds on a dark green silky jerseys with black and silver accents known as Timothy's team

"Dean Status report" I robotically stated at my wireless radio earpiece that was from the secret service agents

"Backstage clear"


"Clear on my view"


I heard loud squealings and uncomprehensible yellings

"Courtside CLEAR!" she yelled making me scowl at what it did to my ear


"Student section west clear"

And it goes for 16 more and all is clear... for now

I watched silently as Timothy was talking with agent Jameson from below explaining how he should also be careful and avoid anything suspiscious and stay close with Lance at all costs

Before I know it the game has already started with our team on the lead

"Cocky" I whispered to myself as Timothy punch his chest like a gorilla while jogging backwards after shooting their first point making the crowd cheer wildly

I raised my eyebrows when the Pink I mean Sphinx kept on trying to get close to Timothy but always get blocked by Lance and their other teammates all through out the game

Which also got as far as running intentionally towards Timothy making me lean forward from my slouch position, luckily Lance was quick to stand infront of Timothy and the guy managed to take him down

Drama Queen

I rolled my eyes at the exaggeration of his fall the way he seem to slide away skidding on his back and I swore I heard his humurous chortle on my comms that made the other agents chuckle also

The guy was called to a foul and I watch as Timothy was released from 4 agents assuring it was safe before letting him back to the court


As expected Thunderbirds is on the lead by a good 12 points

I don't really quite get the game that I kept on yawning and grumbling in disinterest

I rolled my eyes when Timothy openly winked while jogging backwards at a reddening Maurene by the front seats where she could actually witness everything which is my doings since I also want to keep a close eye on her if anything goes unaccordingly to plan

"Lalaloopsy are you done yet?" I grumbled to my comms as I stretch my leg to the opposite bar across me "My ass is getting numb up here"

"Is that so? I could really tell how fine your ass is looking from down here very well"

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