Nickname: Milla
Object Class: EUCLID (Reclassification cancelled)
Containment Procedures:
SCP-013-F is to be kept inside a high maintained 20 x 20 x 20 security chamber with both SCP-013-F-1 and SCP-013-F-2. Under no circumstances is SCP-013-F 1 - 2 are allowed to leave the chamber.
SCP-013-F is a blond-haired 15-year-old teenaged girl. 013-F herself contains no anomalous effects.
SCP-013-F contains two Guinea pigs (Named 'Fern' and 'Bitsy' by 013-F). These Guinea pigs follow 013-F everywhere she goes. It is currently deemed useless for an attempt to stop the Guinea pigs from following 013-F; due to them teleporting out of containment and returning back to 013-F. These Guinea pigs are referred to as SCP-013-F-1 and SCP-013-F-2.
Personnel report feeling unnerved around 013-F-1 and 013-F-2. The longer personnel remain near 013-F-1 and 013-F-2 the more anomalous effects will initiate. (See Test logs) 013-F is not affected by her Guinea pigs effects.
It is not advised for personnel to become emotionally attracted to 013-F-1 and 013-F-2 since the effects can be inconsequential. (See Test logs)
Test logs:
Test log 1:
Description: Subject was commanded to sit near both 013-F-1 and 013-F-2 for 1 hour.
Results: Subject passes out approximately 35 minutes into the test. 25 minutes later, subject reported to find breathing difficult; subject was later diagnosed with lung cancer.
Note by Dr Matthew: Are these Guinea pigs capable of causing diseases? Further testing is required.
Test log 2:
Description: Subject commanded to sit near both 013-F-1 and 013-F-2 for 10 hours. (Food and drinks were provided.)
Results: Subject passes out 1 hour in testing. 10 hours later, subject had died from having their heart pulled out through unknown means.
Note by Dr Matthew: They can remove organs? Maybe reclassification to Keter would be reasonable.
Test log 3:
Description: Same as Test log 2.
Results: Subject passes out 46 minutes into testing. Subject appears to contain a hole in their chest after removing their shirt.
Note by Dr Matthew: I have put in a request for reclassification to Keter. These things can kill people just with their aura! Request pending.
Note by Dr Josh: They are not difficult to contain Matthew. Reclassification to Keter would be stupid. Request denied.
-SCP friends-
General Fiction-Basically writing bios on my friends as if they were SCPs. This book will generally be edited a lot since I will be adding more SCPs.-