Chapter 1: Absolutely Not

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'George, pleaseee. It'll be fun!'

The teenager in question rolls his eyes to himself. He takes his time, twisting his combination calmly into his lock and opening his school locker, trying to pretend he didn't hear his friend. It would be an easy task seeing as the corridor was full of screaming teenagers. He could've blamed it on the noise and say he hadn't' have heard him. However, Dream continues to look at him pleadingly, awaiting a response with wide, sparkling eyes. Knowing that he wasn't going to stop pestering him, the British boy lets out a sighs, slightly defeated.

'No,' he says shortly. 'Absolutely not.'

Dream frowns, confused. 'But it's prom! Who says 'no' to prom?!'

The older gives the taller boy a look. 'I mean... I just did.'

'Ugh, you're so annoyinggg.' The American pouts, whining, 'But why, though?'

The Senior just shrugs in response, turning his attention back to his locker. After a couple of quiet seconds between the two, George speaks again. 'I mean... I've done it two years already. I dunno, it's kinda boring. I'd rather just, you know... not go.'

'Why? Did you have bad dates or something?' the blonde jokes. He immediately notices that George freezes up, staring absentmindedly into he depths of his locker. Dream's eyes widen, instantly taking back his remark. 'Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't know-'

'It's okay,' George replies stiffly, coming back to his senses as he rummages through his books aimlessly. 'You didn't know. I didn't tell you so...'

'Well, why didn't you?' the younger now ponders. ' We've known each other for years now and you never...'

George continues to sort through his books, deciding to order them in order of height as to push away the thoughts in his head. He only now realizes Dream never finished his sentence. Looking up, he sees the younger staring at him, eyebrows furrowed almost searchingly. 


'Did- did you get laid?'

Taken aback, George semi-yells at him, punching him lightly on the shoulder. 'Wh- no, idiot! If I've had bad dates, how would I get laid?'

Dream puts his hands up in surrender, grinning lopsidedly. 'I was just wondering!'

'You're so annoying.'

George checks his phone as a group of girls pass by them. They stop by one of the girl's locker, giggling as they take not-so-sneaky glances at the two, mostly at the tall, freckled, lean and muscular, green-eyed and blonde-haired boy. Dream gives them his famous smile with his perfect white teeth, peering at them through his floppy hair, setting them off again in quiet giggles. George ignores this as this sort of interaction wasn't unnatural. Dream was annoyingly popular, in a weird laid-back kind of way. Good at chess, good at speaking, good at writing, good looks, iconic laughter, charming- what wasn't there to love? 

George couldn't deny that Dream was basically perfect, except for the fact that he could be an annoying, cocky asshole at times. And that his shoes suck.

He, on the other hand, was slimmer and shorter, despite being older. George had a British accent and was quiet around people he wasn't familiar with but when he was free to express himself, he had a terrificly loud laugh and exquisite personality. George was polite, although there were moments where he could be a total savage, like when he was around BadBoyHalo or Sapnap. Good at computers and was on student council, he was known for being Dream's colourblind best friend who could get anything he wanted with his pretty privileges. 

In the present day, Dream turns back to George, whispering to him. 'I think Maia likes you.'

Upon hearing this, George scoffs, turning around to look at Dream with a raised eyebrow. 

Defensively, Dream answers, 'What? She's looking at you now, by the way.'

Intrigued, but not quite believing his friend, George moves slightly to see and, true to Dream's word, the pretty Junior was looking at the British boy, but she quickly turns away, face pink when she spots George meeting her gaze. Dream hums to catch his attention, and is successful in doing so.


'What do you mean 'so'?'

Dream rolls his eyes and chuckles at his oblivious best friend. 'Are you gonna talk to her or...?'

George flushes, returning to his locker as to not make eye contact with the taller. 'I mean... she's a Junior and I'm a Senior. I don't think I wanna...'

'So you wouln't date me?' Dream says, feigning hurt. He clutches his heart dramatically, falling back onto the lockers beside the brown-haired boy. He only responds with an amused chuckle, eyebrow quirked with a teasing smile.

'For reasons being that you're annoying, no, I would not date you,' George calmly answers, ignoring his friend's theatrics. 'But if I were older and out of college, I would consider dating someone with- what? A 2- 3 year age gap? I don't know, I'm not actively looking for a date or anything right now, you know?' 

'Yeah... anyways...' Dream looks back at Maia, who slips on her earphones, smiling slightly to herself. 'What if she wants to be just friends?'

They watch as Maia hugs her books to her chest, in her own world as she cuts through the crowd of students, heading to her class. Dream studies her. There's no doubt that she was pretty, with glittering blue eyes and styled short hair. She was known for her original music, having the same school reputation as Dream. The British male stays quiet as he bites his lip in thought, but he's saved by the bell as it rings shrilly, alerting everyone throughout the building that school had begun. Students around them start heading to class, volume very slowly diminishing as people enter their rooms. In the small corridor, it's impossible to not get shoved so to avoid this, you better move quick. 

'I better go,' Dream says, already staggering backwards as people jostle one another. His class was all the way in the art rooms. 'See you at lunch, okay?'

'Bye, loser.' 

Dream sticks out his tongue at the remark. 'Just admit you love me!' Dream jokes but a smile stays tugging at his lips as he makes his way to class. He hears his friend yell after him cheerfully as he turns the corner.

'You wish!'


And it has begun! Thank you for reading the beginning of this trip called 'Sticky Notes'. If you didn't read the description, it was inspired by @SunofDavid, who has their own book of the same name. It isn't really the same plot but when going through the DreamnotFound tag, I saw their story and got my idea. Idk I felt weird writing something of the same name with the same people. You should totally check their story out! It's super cute :)

Also, THIS IS SHIPPY. I'm writing this for fun. But, somehow, if the creators find this and want themselves removed, I shall do so. No hassle, no worries.

Another thing is that this went through post-published editing mid-November so it has since been updated with new content and different characters. Thus, some comments may not be relevant anymore as things have been altered.

Guess who's giving it another clean lmao. End of May post-publishing edit.

I think that's all I've to say so enjoy the book!

- TheKidWithANotebook

Chapter 1: 1,065

Total words: 1,065

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