Chapter 11: Family

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It took George all day after school to think of his plan. The moment he got home, he yelled out for his entire family to hear, asking for help for prom. Naturally, everyone was frustrated he didn't inform them sooner but were relieved that he actually wanted to go after last year's events. They searched the attic and called the extended family, looking for the right formal attire as George has grown slightly. His aunt came around dinnertime with a cousin's navy blue shirt, pleasing in it's unique way, and with it, black suspenders with blue embroidered stars dotted here and there. George shined a small pair of his father's black dress shoes, giving the matte material an interesting gleam. His mother gave him a black dress shirt and pants, kissing his forehead with a smile. Even Katelyn helped him with an overnight face treatment, a concoction of creams and ointments and masks. 

'Deodorant, and this perfume, and use this shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Don't use your 3-in-1 bottle, it won't do.'

George had looked through all of the things big sister had dropped on his bed, picking up the half-used bottle of men's perfume. He had smelled it and furrowed his eyebrows.

'Where d'you get this?'

All he got was a wave of a hand and a flushed look.

George wakes up the next morning with a jolt, sitting up straight. The muffled sound of Wii music had grabbed his attention. He frantically searches and after he lifts a pillow, George grabs his phone. Answering it, he puts it to his ear.



The sound of Sapnap's voice screaming into his eardrum makes George shoot up to a sitting position once more.

'What the Heck?!'

'Prom night! Me and some of the others are gonna be hanging out at Bad's place before prom. You know, relax. You down?'

George hums, pink-faced, remembering about the notes and his suspicions of Sapnap. 'I'm... I don't think I will.'

Through the phone, Sapnap whines annoyingly. 'But why, Gogy? You always come to my parties, y'know they're bomb.'

George cringes, tapping the back of his phone as he conjures an excuse. 'I don't know... it's a struggle going to Prom as it is...'

'You like my parties, though. It'll cheer you up, promise. And if it doesn't...' There's a moment of quiet as the other thinks. 'I'll owe you, uh... I dunno, a date?'

It was clearly a joke but George's eyes widen., spluttering out, 'What?'

Sapnap just giggles. 

The conversation doesn't last long after that, Sapnap oblivious to George distantness. Sapnap doesn't question what changed George's mind about attending prom but was still happy all the same. Once the call had ended, George decided to finally pull himself from his soft and comforting prison, slipping on a random pair of shorts and a stray t-shirt. He emerges from his bedroom, staggering to the kitchen, where his mother greets him.

'Hi sweetie! Good morning!' She checks the clock on the wall. 'Well, barely. What do you want to eat? I can make you an egg and bacon with toast.'

'It's okay, mum, I'll stick to cereal. Not that hungry.'

Katelyn walks into the room, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket beside George's bowl. She slips into the high stool beside her younger brother, the loud crunch of the red fruit snapping George out of his thoughts.

'Can you not?'

All Katelyn does is raise an eyebrow. A devious smile spreads across her face and she takes another bite, slowly, the crunch drawn out and annoying. George, despite being irritated, merely laughs at her.

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