Chapter 12: Love Me

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George waves his father goodbye as he drives off. He felt like a weight has been lifted from off his shoulders. He didn't expect his dad to react to the makeup that way. When George came out as bi-curious to his family, Mr Davidson never spoke of it, almost as if in denial. Was this a sign that he was slowly accepting George for who he was? He didn't know. But for now, George could only let his mind buzz with happy thoughts.

It's prom night, bitches.

Before the British boy could knock on the door behind him, let a lone turn around, he is wrestled into a big hug, engulfed in a familiar cologne and familiar voice speaking out cheerfully.

'You came!'

Still wrapped in the hug, George stands on his tippy-toes, tipping his head back and manages to say over the older's shoulder 'Nice to see you too, Bad!'

Bad releases him from the embrace, grinning. 'I'm really glad you decided to come to prom. It's going to be fun!'

George beams. 'So... how's you and Skep?'

He hums. 'Good. We've been keeping it on the dl, though. Me and Geppy are very new to this scene. After my last girlfriend and Geppy's lack of a love life, we were both slipping into this slowly. No dates, just a small party. Our coming out, I guess.'

The British boy nods and they stand together in a comfortable silence. 'If you don't mind me asking... how did you discovered you like... guys?'

The older's smile falters. 'Ahm, well, I don't really fall for guys in particular. More of who they are. As muffin-y as Zak is, he's got a good heart and I love that muffin to bits.'

The other responds with another nod and before he can say anything else, the door is thrown open once more and Zak bounces through, a wide grin on his face.

'George! You came!' They share a quick hug. Zak looks him up and down, impressed. 'And you look great! Nice suit!'

'Thank you! I see you and Bad are matching.'

Indeed they were, wearing the same pure cosmos flower in their suit pockets, and Bad's red bowtie and Zak's blue neckerchief sharing a matching pattern. Upon hearing this, Zak just shyly blushes and takes Bad's arm, smiling at the ground. Bad pats him softly and George can see the stronger connection between the two. Before they even got together, they were inseparable, but now, their love bounds them and seems unbreakable.

George feels like a goddamn third wheel.

Bad finally notices George and giggles nervously. 'Are you wearing makeup?'

With a shaky laugh, he replies 'Y-yeah, trying something out, you know?'

'Why is the door open?' Someone yells from inside. 'Vurb, if you're making out with someone out here, I swear- oh, Gogy! You're here!'

'Hey, Sapnap,' George answers quietly, bouncing from one foot to the other, avoiding eye contact. 

Sapnap's smiles falters momentarily but quickly brushes it off as nerves. 'Do you guys wanna come in? The party is inside.'

So they follow their friend into the house. Bad and Skeppy make their way to a different group, the band for prom, who were planning to leave early to warm up and practice. People were everywhere, even those not in the usual friend group. Sapnap saw George's confusion, explaining briefly 'Someone exposed the party online. Thankfully, people already had plans. It could've been bigger.'

'Is Dream here?'

'Oh, did he not tell you? He's with Fundy.' Sapnap giggles stupidly to himself. 'Dream was taken.'

George didn't register those words at first. It takes him a moment to realize what his friend had said. When it finally hits him, George deflates a little.

'Oh, a date? I ship it,' he hears himself say jokingly, although there was a little bit of sourness lying under his statement. No one notices, however, and George is dragged over to Zelkam, Spifey and Vurb. Spifey greets them with a grin.

'Hi! Welcome to the party!' He raises his red solo cup. 'Wanna grab a drink? I need to refill.'

'Sure. Just soda, though. I'd rather go to prom sober, thank you very much.'

The other George smiles knowingly. 'Gotcha.'

The two make their way into the kitchen, carefully weaving in and out of surrounding people. After successfully entering the room and getting a drink, the two rest back for second, taking a moment to themselves and away from the noise.

'So... you and Zelk-'

Spifey's eyes widen. 'Uh, what?'

'Are you two, like-'

The other laughs and George can't tell if it's genuine laughter or masking his embarrassment. Spifey was decent at acting, shown on his livestreams where he could pass of anything, albeit something was sticking out like a sore thumb. Right now, however, the shorter George was just confused.

'Why would you think that?' Spifey is chuckling, sipping his drink.

'You did do a promposal.'

Spifey chokes, eyes watering and George fears he just killed his friend, but, thankfully, Spifey is laughing. Again.

'It's fan service.'

'Uh-huh. Now I'm convinced.'

The younger's face is red and George can't tell if it's from choking or blushing. Fortunately, Spifey is saved by a phone call, excusing himself and stepping out the back door. George is alone.

He sighs, sipping his cola. Something bubbles within him. Regret? Fear? Doubt? He doesn't know. He felt like taking a long walk home and skip prom. Depression waves over him like a thick, suffocating blanket. So he does what Dream taught him to do. Fold it up and set it to the side. He'll burn it in a fire once he gets matches.


His best friend. George's lips curl into a slight scowl unexpectedly. He was stupid to think he'd be here. It's not like he owned him, he was free to do what he wanted. Yet, George did decide to come to prom because of him.

I thought I came here because of the sticky notes?

Dream asked you to come and said he wouldn't go just to stay with you.

George rests his head on the wall.

Why do I do this to myself?

Spifey comes back, pocketing his phone. George raises an eyebrow.

'That was quick.'

'Just Harv. We're planning on meeting up with Finn. Now, we got drinks, wanna go back? Sapnap's gonna be our DJ. His music taste is exquisite.'

Spifey's glowing grin, the electric atmosphere and noises of adventure surrounding him, George didn't want to ruin anyone's fun. George slaps on a smile. 'Sure. You only live once.'


Like I mentioned in the chapter, Bad and Skeppy matching! The picture I selected was the closest I could get. Imagine Skeppy is wearing the neckerchief in the second picture and Bad is the only one with a tie with the same pattern. And their handkerchief is the same as their tie/neckerchief. Okay? Okay.

And Sapnap was kinda hard to find because my man is kinda bAsiC. (i say, as if i amnt myself) but the dragon looked cool and I wanted him to look amazing. All other clothing items are black, including his gauges (just a hc) and has a single gold ring. also, eyebrow slit >:D

Chapter 10: 1,096

Total words: 13,491

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