Round 3 Exposing

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Hey Guys I knw what ur goin to say where the hell ave u been well I’ll tell u…………………………….. I was in Africa searching for a rare flavor fruit to make ice cream…………………………………… I didn’t find it  but dnt  worri I wasn’t doin jus anything I ave all chapters ready for u Imma up load them 2 nite so ave faith oh and VOTE!!!!!!! Thanks

~~~~~~~~~~ Round 3 Exposing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with my head face down on my pillow, I sighed, I didn’t know what was happening to me but I tend on finding out. I did the usual and got ready for school driving in and parking at my normal spot

“Hey where have  you been its almost time for class” J said I grabbed my bag and looked at my watch, I guess I slept in too much today

“Woke up late” I said walking inside, he came up beside me, you know coming to think of it I’m very strong to be resisting someone as tempting as J but friendship come first

“Stop checking me out and jus sleep with me already.   .    .  anyways she’s been looking for you” He said I disregarded what he had said before but the last part really caught my attention, she was looking for me

“Why, no scratch that where is she” I said and he smiled pointing in the direction of my locker, I smiled back at him, I’m going to ride this car so I can put the car keys up. I walked over to her and smiled and she smiled back

“Hey” she said smiling again, I smiled back

“Hey, heard you were looking for me” I said looking at her hand which had a key, she nodded and grabbed my hand and we were off what the hell is she up to. I sighed .    .   . 3 minutes later we were in front of  Judeen Allison...January 1st new years night at Sandra Wilson’s party in the master bed room, she screamed my name like the end was near , I smiled at the memory. She looked at me and blushed they were talking about something... was she last night’s prey for her, she’s really been working. The more she practice the better she’ll be when I have her

“We’re here” she said snapping me out of the thought of her beneath me screaming my name, letting her eyes bring me ecstasy

“Where are we?” I asked looking at the door we were standing in front of, she turned the key and opened the door and pulled me in, was she making the first move. .  . I looked at her and smile, she’s not winning that easy

“I’ve just been here for a few weeks but I’ve found a place that no one else knows about, I come here when I need to breath in untouched air” she said closing her eyes and taking a big breath, I looked around it was like a art gallery, it had drawings everywhere

“Who did all this?” I asked looking at the drawing and feeling all the emotions being purred out at me, she looked at me and smiled... She’s been doing that a lot lately

“I did, I know it’s awful, but this is how I release all the bottled up energy” she said with a glow in her eyes, I really liked that

“It’s amazing” I said meaning it, I’ve never meant anything as much as I meant what I had just said, it was amazing.
                   She was amazing as much as I don’t want to admit it,

“Really?  You think so” she said with a little blush in her cheeks, was that original. She pulled me up to the wall filled with her art and she handed me a stick of chalk, I looked at her but she was busy colouring the drawing she did, I decided that she must have wanted me to help her so I began colouring too and she was right it does release bottled up energy that been locked up inside of you for a long time.
               What was this feeling that was coming up inside of me, the bell rang waking me from my deep thought

“Crap, We’re late for class, Lets go” She said pulling me out of the room and closing the door, she gave me a key

“What’s this for” I asked she smiled that smile that I’m finding my self liking a lot

“It’s yours, when you feel the need to relax and release the energy you can come here” She said smiling and running off to class, I stood there she was being nice to me, it was clicking in but it was there she was treating me nice, why was she?

 “Bro, you OK" J asked looking at me, I guess I automatically walked to class without even knowing

"I don’t even know anymore bro” I said looking at the key in my hand. Class was distracting or more like my mind was distracting me from class,  bits and pieces of what happened this morning kept on popping up in my head when usually it would have been filled with memories of the people I’ve slept with.

~~~~~~ Alia’s P.O.V ~~~~~~~~

Why was I being nice to him,... Well he was nice to me when I told him about my dad so I figured maybe there’s more to him than I thought, but what do I really know about him

“Alia!.........  you’ve been zoning out from morning what’s wrong with you” Liz asked I looked at her and smiled she doesn’t know what I’m doing and I intended on keeping it that way, For some reason I know that she won’t like it

“Nothing, just wondering when I’ll be able to get you in bed” I said  opening my locker and the first thing I saw was the key, the key that I made a spare for this morning and gave  ‘him’ the spare
             Looking into what I’m doing is it really worth it. . .yes it is I thought smiling to my self then Maxwell showed up last week Monday’s prey , He purred below me as I gave him a taste of what I was like when I was yearning for someone , he moaned and screamed causing the ecstasy level in the room to rise he made my nipples come to life from the vibration between my legs, when he came inside me it became the highlight of the week

“Hey” He said , and I sighed this was the bad part of the prey that show a good time to they get addictive and want more , not knowing that the gods only bless them once for there life time, I twirled looking at him with my best smile, its not his fault that I was thinking of Alex while I was showing him why they call me sex God, yep definitely not his fault that I got carried away and show him too much of a good time

“Hey Max” I said at that cue Liz walked off, I so couldn’t get that girl what was she doing to resist me, Anyways back to the matter at hand

“Would you say yes if I asked you out on a date Saturday” He asked looking at me if only Alex was this easy, I smiled and give a cute blush that sent him aback confused and flushed

“Once and never again that the only rule of the game I’m sorry” I said closing my locker and walking off leaving him there standing , I’m not a wicked person you know I just don’t want to hurt him so I left it at that plus the only thing I can remember when he’s around me is how well he came inside of me I’ve never moaned like that in a long while he made the  ecstasy in me turn. Sigh

~~~~~~~~~~ Alex’s P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

She won’t come off my mind at all no matter how hard I try to get her off my mind and this has never happened to me…. Well not since Johanna Kingly August 6 2010 at exactly 12:01 am at Twilight beach resort room 204,she was the first and the only girl that made my ecstasy scream out so loud wanting more of her body like the plants crave the sun I craved her needed her body to grind under me faster harder, her eyes showed me addiction, pleasure and yearn all at the same time making my come with every touch every breath... when she screamed my name every bone in my body felt it we became one for that moment it was a mark in my history books she made me enter heaven and hell at the same time, each touch causing an erection on top of an erection , my body has never wanted someone the way it wanted her, she was the best surprise I ever had, I didn’t expect her to be that wonderful.    .     .    wait what the hell was I talking about again... oh yeah Alia and her amazing  smile ( what on The earth belonging to the Sex Gods I’m I going to do)

Hey everyone so what do you think………………………………………. Tell me whats on your mind I wanna knw , I’m nt Edward you knw ………………………………….. any ways VOTE please and comment I love feed back……………………….. ok so I gotta go my cookie is running away…………………………….. OMG a dog just ate my cookie , I really ave to go nw

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