First day back:)):

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The sound of my alarm filled my ears and woke me up. My eyes opened and I grabbed for my phone. The time read. 6:00. Rubbing my eyes I moved the blankets off of my body and say up. First day of school.
I jumped into the shower and washed my hair. Going as slow as I could. I didn't want to go to school. But I had too. After I got out, I went to look in my box of clothes considering nothing in my room is unpacked. Great. I thought. My clothes were going to be wrinkled for the first day of school. The weather was supposed to be nice today. I grabbed a blue tank top and a white cardigan. I opened my bedroom door. " Mom! Have you seen my American Eagle jeans?!" I yelled down the stairs. " box number 2 Hun." My mother is great for remembering things. " Thank you!" I opened box number 2 and found them right on the top.
Once I was dressed I looked into the mirror. Now. For hair and makeup. I ran back to my bedroom tarring through the boxes to find my hair straightener. I did my everyday simple makeup and straighten my hair then made my way down stairs. My mom had breakfast ready for me on the table. I ate quick as my mother nags me to hurry and get into the car.
All of my school supplies were ready inside my school bag. I said bye to my dad and got into the car. My mom smiled and started to drive. The school is exactly 10 mins away from my house. I had 10 minutes to prepare myself for either the best or worst.


My mom pulled up to the school and I took a deep breath. Still a nervous wreck. The school is nice. Pretty blooming flowers in the front garden. Students and teachers running in and out. Old friends talked and hugged. Parents said 'Bye' and 'Have a nice day'. I looked over at my mom nervously and grabbed my bag. " Don't be nervous! The first day is always fun!" My mother thinks high school is all shits and giggles. I don't want to tell her that in a school theres usually one vampire that picks a new victim each day. And if your not the vampire. Your staying out of sight making sure you don't bleed. Meaning don't fit in or don't stand out. She kisses me on the cheek and told me to get going. Stepping out of the car I swung my bag over my shoulder. I kept my head low as I walked through the people and inside the school. The school has high ceilings. Wide doors. And lots of colors. I looked at the students. They all looked happy and nice. The office was just in front of me. I kept my head down low once again, I moved to it. " Name sweetheart?" The secretary asked. " Brynn Meadows." She smiles and handed me a piece of paper with my schedule and locker number. I wandered the halls a bit to find my locker. Glancing into classrooms here and there. Once I found my locker I get out all of my things and place them in. I read my schedule. I have chemistry first. The room number is 117. I grabbed my chemistry binder. Closed my locker and put my lock on. When I walked through the halls I got a few weird looks from the students but it was nothing I wasn't expecting.
I get to the chemistry lab and pick a set. There's only 4 other people in the classroom. The teacher isn't in the room yet either. School started in 1 minute. All at the same time students poured into the classroom and took a seat. As soon as the bell goes the teacher walked in and shut the door. He stood behind his desk. " Welcome back students. You all know me and I know all of you." He stopped when he sees me. " Except I don't know you." He pointed at me. I looked at him and give a little wave. " I'm Brynn." Everybody started starring my way. " Ah yes. The principal did tell me about a new Canadian girl." I smiled looking down at my books and then back up at him " Well everybody. Please make sure you make Brynn feel welcome. My name is Mr. Taylor." He said smiling. I nodded and looked down. Most of the students turned away and stopped looking but there were a few who kept starring. Mr. Taylor started to talk about what we were going to do today but he was interrupted by a student rushing in to find his seat. Mr. Taylor didn't look surprised. " Hood! This is the starting of a new school year. Do you really want to start this again?" I sat in the back of the class and he sat diagonal from me. He looked at Mr.Taylor "It won't happen again sir." The teacher grinned. " That's what you say everyday Hood." Mr.Taylor talked about safety rules and handed out the chemistry textbooks. He pulled out a piece of paper. He looked at a group of boys sitting together. "Yeah. No. This." He pointed at the group of guys. "Isn't going to work. I've got the seating plan right here." The counters are two people. I'm nervous to see who I get as my chemistry partner. The boys sigh. He named students and pointed to the counters. He got to the third row "Brynn." He points and then. "Hood." Right beside me.
Mr.Taylor started talking about the first chapter. I try to listen but 'Hood' leaned over and started to whisper to me. "Hi." I looked over to him and kinda smiled. Then looked back up to the teacher. "I'm Calum." He whispered and put his hand out. I looked at him again and shook it. And again. Turned back to listen. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?" I looked at him annoyed. "Brynn." I whispered. He leaned back over to me and whispered again. "That's a pretty name." I kept looking at Mr.Taylor and smiled a little. He looked at the teacher for two seconds and then back at me. "Wait.. Brynn from Canada?" My head turned fast. How did he know about that? He smiled "I'm a friend of Luke's. One of his best friends actually." I blush. He told his friends about me. Does he go to this school? I nod. He sees me blushing. Shit. "So. I guess your stuck with my annoying ass for this semester." He laughs quietly. After that we didn't really talk. He finally shut up and I was able to hear what the teacher was saying. The bell rung. As I was walking to the door the teacher called my name asking to speak with me. After everyone left he started talking. "Hopefully you're having an ok first day?" He smiles. I smile and nod. "I think I'm going to like this school." I smile. "I'm sorry I put you with Calum. He's a handful. I think you can smarten him up." I laugh. "I guess I'll try." After that I walk out of the class room and to my locker. Next class I have Biology.


My biology teacher was extremely happy. She was nice though. I finally have lunch. My mom made me a lunch. I grabbed it and headed outside. I sat at a picnic table and opened my sandwich. Coming from the right door I saw a tall skinny blonde boy coming through it. Behind him I saw Calum and another boy with skunk hair? Calum looked my way and I smiled at him. He whispered to the blonde boy and he turned and looked at me. Luke. Luke from the café started to walk over to me and sat at my table. He smiled big. "Hi!" I smiled "Hi." "If I knew you were coming to this school I would have made it a point to show you around." "I haven't got lost yet so... That's a good thing." I smiles at my food then looked at him. "I see you've met Calum.. Sorry he's so annoying... That's all he does when I tell him about pretty girls.. I mean-" He blushes and so did I. " Not that your not pretty because your very pretty... I um." We both laugh. "So how do you like the students and teachers?" As he spoke I could hear how he is shy. "I like them. Mrs.Larken is sort of really happy." I laughed. So did he. "Yeah. She's sweet... What class do you have next?" "Music I think." He grins. "Oh! So did I!" I had a class with Luke. Luke the tall blue eyed boy who made my heart race. Luke looked back at Calum and the other boy. They gave him a thumbs up. He looked at me embarrassed. "So maybe. After school we could meet up at the park and shot some hoops?" He said nervously. "Sure. I'd love too." I said smiling. "Really?" His face brightened up. "Yeah. I'd be fun." He smiles "Cool cool. I. I'll wait for you here. After school." I nodded fast. "Okay." "Do you... Do you want to walk to music together? I mean.. I could show you to where it is."


We walked in silence. We got to the music room and I could feel Luke's excitement. Like he was home from a long vacation. Like being here made him happy. He held the door for me and I walked in. The music room is huge. Every instrument. An old man walks up to Luke and padded him on the back. " Luke! It's good to see you again!" The man smiled and so does Luke. " Its good to be back Mr. Smith, I hope you don't mind... I forgot my guitar at home today." " Oh it's quite alright! We won't be playing instruments this class anyway. And you must be Brynn?" He looked at me. " yes" I smiled and put my hand out. He shook it. " Luke. Take care of this one." Luke blushes and nods. We took our seats. Luke sat right beside me. I wondered what he actually thought of me. If he actually liked me. Thought I was pretty. Maybe even beautiful. I knew I liked Luke. But what did he know? Mr.Smith was happy to be teaching. And Luke looked happy to be listening. Which made me happy I guess... I've known this boy what? 2/3 days. And he's already making my heartbeat race faster. This could be a great thing. Or a terrible thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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