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*NOTE* Some information may be altered to fit the story plot. For example, Jack and Finn had finished university and were currently working on their Youtube job while attending art/film/drama classes in their company along with their Youtube friends in the story.

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xx Prologue ~ I Was Lost Till I Found You xx

"Alexandra, you don't have to do this," my mom pleaded me with enlarging eyes. I swallowed with difficultly, I knew it was a huge decision for me to make at such a young age. I was moving to London to become a Youtuber, like Jack and Finn Harries.

Starting from when I was thirteen, I fell in love with the cheeky twins on the screen of my laptop. I had been a shy teenager who barely socialized. I didn't have any friends at school, but my grades always were placed first. I didn't care what I wore to school, didn't go to dances, didn't talk to other girls, no to  mention that I didn't even glance at boys. I didn't join any school teams because I didn't want to socialize with any of my teammates.

The only co-curricular activity I had been involved in were the Drama productions, that was where I could express my feelings and transfer all my hate and grief for my dad into acting. My birth father a man claimed that he "loved" me and yet dumped my mom and I for a woman half his age, whom he also "loved."

It was because of my dad that I didn't bother to socialize. I had thought that everyone I liked, or loved, would in the end, ditch me for someone better after they were done using me. So why bother befriending someone who would just hurt you in the end? Don't even get me started on boys.

I would always get the lead role in the school drama productions starting from middle school. Many would badmouth me behind my back, but I didn't care. I just wanted to do something that I enjoyed for the first time in my life, and no one could have stopped me.

One night, in my cozy bedroom, I went on Youtube and that was when I found Jack and Finn Harries. I've never really believed in love at first sight, but after seeing them, I was immediately lost in those leaf-coloured, but grey tinted, eyes.

Just looking at their smiles put a smile on my own face. Their personality and cheerfulness was like the sun peaking out in my gloomy, cloudy, rainy life. I was instantly drowning in an ocean of love.

Soon, their videos were the only thing that I looked forward to in my weeks. Slowly, I started to subscribe to some other of their friends such as Caspar, Alfie, Marcus, Bertie, and Sam. These boys were literally the reason why I changed, it was as if they lit up my world when nobody else could.

I started to go on a diet. I turned from a size extra large to being a size small as my height and age grew. But believe me, I didn't go on the diet because I was boy crazy. I went on a diet mostly because of my health and for trying to start fresh with a fresh look.

After my diet, I decided to start joining school sport teams to meet new people and to begin to socialize. Because of the colliding schedule, I quit from the drama productions.

After years of persevering, I turned from a chubby, unfriendly nerd to a somewhat slender cheerleader in high school. I even gotten myself a part time job as a model at Abercrombie Kids.

Of course, I didn't loose my top education marks. Later on, I couldn't apply for any of the  drama majors in  university because I have already made my decision to give up drama in middle school and go with my mother's way of education, to make her happy, as she had already gone through so much. So, I didn't take any drama or art lessons in high school. In the end, I ended up graduating from high school with scholarships to Harvard for law, Yale for law, Stanford for business, and Oxford for business. You're probably thinking, "Wow! She's so lucky! It's a one in a lifetime chance!" 

In fact, I would probably be thinking that if it wouldn't for my love for the boys on Youtube that I secretly loved for five years. I decided, without hesitation, that I was going to give up on all of my scholarship offers and move to London to find the company the boys worked at and ask if I could apply for a place.

I know what you're thinking now, "Why would she do that? Is she crazy? She's probably a overly obsessed fan girl,"

The problem is that I wouldn't even be able to enjoy myself studying in those majors and making my job something related. The only field of interest I had was always, and forever, Drama. To add on, I never wanted to apply for these majors in university; it was my mother's decision. I wanted to experience, first handed, if I could live off of Drama instead of choosing a job that would regret for the rest of my life even though it may gain me more money.

When I informed my mom and my loving step father, John, about my decision, they screamed at me. Who would blame them? Their beloved daughter was giving on the opportunity for scholarship from the finest Universities in the world to go to London and find a job that she might not be able to get.

In the end, they got to agree after a deal we made. I was to put all the scholarship offers on hold and have a gap year, before university, to go to London and try to reach for my dreams. If I failed, I would have to attend the university my parents had choosen for me to attend, which was Law in Yale University,  without any protests, and I would have to be under their grasp for the rest of my life. I knew it wasn't a fair deal, and it was a very risky decision but I went for it. 

I went for my dreams, I decided to go with my heart instead of my senses.

There I was, in the airport, ready to depart my home country, that I lived in all of my life, for London. For the boys, for my happiness, for my dream.

"Yes, Mom, I do," I replied to my mom with a little smile. John looked at me sorrowfully. John had been more stubborn than my mom when it came to this decision, but he agreed to it at the end. It was then when I took in his grey roots, the shadows under his eyes, the winkles on his forehead, and the endless experience that shown in his eyes. It was then that I realized he was getting old. Tears began to fill my eyes.

"I'll be okay," I assured them as I took both of their hands in mine. "I love both of you so, so much," I expressed and pulled them into a hug.

"If you can't handle living by yourself, if you don't get the job, come back. I'll figure something out for you," John reassured me as we pulled back. "Even if it's because you miss us, come back,"

I nodded as tears started to waltz down my cheeks, my mom quickly wiped them away.

"Oh honey, we love you too. Now go. Follow your dreams, Alexandra Crystal Williams," 

I smiled at them before starting to wheel my luggage cart away. With one last glance at my waving parents, I started my one year adventure to London.

London I went, carrying only a small amount of luggage, my dreams and a big amount of hope.

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Author's Note: Hey Guys :) Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue. If you did, please vote, comment and fan!!! It'll mean so much to me :D Please don't hate:/ xx

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Pic of Finn Harries on the sidebar :D Also, a trailer for this fanfic that I made :) Watch it?

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