It begins.

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"Well, what the fuck do you suggest we do," Josh shouted at me. Bits of his spit flew here and there. "We have no food, water, or a map, and we have no idea where the hell we are!"

I stood up. I had been crouching in the sand long enough. He was right, we had no idea what to do. And we were screwed, the heat was already getting to us and we had nothing to drink or eat. I turned to face him with an answer, but he was angry, red in the face, and his breathing was uneven. I could see the worry in his eyes, even though he tried staying macho, as always, glaring at me, arms crossed.

"Well? What do we do!?" He asked again, sounding far more frustrated.

I looked down.

"Answer me you asshole!"

He pushed me and I quickly returned the punching him square in the face.

Josh took a step back. I had made him stumble, but not fall. It definitely took him off guard, I never picked fights. Mostly because I didn't like getting my ass kicked by people like him. In all fairness, he deserved it. He was being an asshole, as usual. And to be honest, I was holding that punch in all day. And I was surprised too, instead of him beating the snot out of me like I thought he would, he just looked at me, even more pissed off, and a bit shocked.

Still fueled by anger, I answered. "What the fuck do you want me to say? Huh!? I have no idea what to do, so shut up and help me think!"

Hearing myself out loud, I took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Look, Josh..." I tried to say something, but nothing I could say really mattered.

Josh wiped his face with his sleeve. Then he laughed once and looked at me with that "oh really" face he had mastered.

"You know what? Fuck you Thomas," he spat on my face, "figure it out yourself." Then he turned around and started walking off.

"Josh, come on. Don't be a dick." I called after him. I figured he'd just come back, or walk a few feet and stop. But he kept going, and he didn't show any signs of stopping. He was pissed, I get it, but he didn't need to be a little bitch about it.

"Josh, don't walk away man. You don't know what's out here."

Still, he kept walking away.

"Josh you asshole get back here!" I yelled after him.

But he kept walking. The last I saw was the silhouette of him against the sun, holding his middle finger high, walking off into the desert.

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