The Other Camp

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"Shit..." I whispered under my breath. I backed deeper into the bushes, trying to stay out of sight. I watched as they surrounded him. Dark, shadowy, cloaked figures. The cries now stung my ears, loud and clear, and it was obvious they were coming from these creatures.

Two of the creatures bent down and picked Josh up by the arms and dragged him off to a tent. I didn't know what to do. I considered running into the camp and fighting them off, but that would be stupid. The longer I waited, the more creatures emerged from the shadows. They had hair, and pointy ears, and snouts, but walked upright.

"Great, hyper intelligent wolves," I said to myself staring down at the ground. I said it to be sarcastic, but then again, who knows...

"Get the other..."

I quickly looked up. One of the creatures had spoken. He was not 10 feet from me, and I struggled to see him in the dim light, but I saw him hand something small to the creature he had spoken to.

"Use the boy," he said. The other creature nodded and walked to the tent where Josh was dragged.

Then the original creature turned in my direction. I made sure I was low to the ground, but the bushes were thin and barren. One accidental movement and I was dead.

"Help me, is anyone out here? Someone please help!" I heard off in the distance. I looked up. The creature was reaching for something on its belt. A horn, made from a piece of wood or bone probably. He blew in it. I couldn't cover my ears fast enough. The screaming noise filled the air, louder and sharper than before. I fell in the dirt holding my ears, gritting my teeth.

All the creatures emerged from their tents and started heading out into the dark towards the call for help. The creature who blew the horn, possibly the alpha or leader, turned to leave as well. Within minutes everything was quiet. I seized my chance.

I started running as fast as I could to the tent where Josh was being kept. There was a dim light coming from inside, probably a candle, and Josh moaning. I ducked into the tent and saw Josh tied to a rock. He had 3 scratches along his cheek and he kept moaning and groaning.

I picked up a stick from the ground and cautiously approached him. I slowly moved it towards him and gave him a slight jab in the shoulder. He didn't even look up.
"Josh, are you okay? Dude, we got to get out of here!" I whispered to him.
"No shit...Sherlock..." He muttered, head still hung.
I sighed. Good, he was okay.
I tried undoing the knot in the rope binding him and pushed him up off the rock.
He grumbled and was a bit wobbly on his feet, but started walking out of the tent.
"Wait, Josh we need to stay close-!"
But he was already out of the tent.
"Fucking idiot." I hissed. I grabbed the rope and headed out of the tent. Outside, the fire was burning low, and the sky was getting light, but there was no way it could be morning already.
Josh was sitting by the edge of the camp tying his laces.
"Well, Penn, are we leaving?" He murmured to me.
I looked around and sighed.
"No, I need to take a look around. We might need this stuff," I said, gesturing a pair of dusty wooden crates.
"Fine," Josh said standing, "I'll meet you at the O, I'll bring the bags there," he turned to go.
I turned my attention back to the camp.

"Oh, and Tom," Josh said.
I turned back around to face him.
Josh rubbed his temple with one hand. "Don't die, okay?"

I nodded. Josh trudged off into the desert, and I was left alone in the camp.

I wasted no time raiding the boxes and crates. They were mostly just weird maps and charts written in some smudged writing, but regardless I took them. The other boxes had some stones and sticks in them, and a medical kit...
"Medical kit!?" I thought to myself. I pushed everything off to the side and grabbed the kit. There was a giant blanket in the box as well, and I wrapped everything in it and went on to the next box.

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