Too much to take in.

57 8 4

Kyle, Katy, Suzan are in the shelter at the port of Houston.

Kyle: Well, I am not Kyle. Kyle is dead.

Suzan : Well then who are you?

Kyle : I am Kia.

Suzan : What?!.

Kyle / Kia : Well it's a lond story , why don't you sit down and I'll arrange some snacks. Trevor be a dear and get some snacks. Well Trevor is one of the kids who lives in this shelter and there care taker is gone for a month and he was kind enough to let me stay.

Suzan : So did you perform some magic voo-doo.

Kia : No. It's quite scientific actually .
But first we have to go over 2 months back.

In the flashback, 2 months ago:
Kia as the narrator:
So everyone was worried sick about you two, except Mrs Phil she always kept saying that she knows exactly where you two are. I wondered how she could be so confident so I -

Suzan interrupts
Suzan : wait when you say I you mean Kyle or Kia?.

Kia continues
Kia.So as I was saying I asked Mrs Phil "how  could she be so confident about you two", then she showed me the most mysterious thing I had seen, but firstly remember that room where no one was allowed to go, on the fifth floor?

Katy  and Suzan : Yeah.

Kia continues
That's where she took me and showed me a high-tech computer system with each of our names on it. Mrs Phil said "Remember the body check up you guys get every year, the very first year I had them insert these in your legs." Then I asked "Mrs Phil why would you trust me with all this information " Well be ready to hear something big ,Mrs Phil said " Now I wouldn't expect my own blood to cheat on me, right?.

Suzan : OH MY GOD, that means you are Kia Philunge, ewww.

Katy : Then why would Mrs Philunge keep you in that hell hole with us?.

Kia : Because even though I was her biological daughter I meant nothing to her, even I was gonna have my organs removed.

Suzan : so.. How did you come inside Kyle's body.

Kia : With the help of your father, after they removed -

Suzan : wait wait wait, MY FATHER?

Kia : Yes ,I'll explain it later, so after they removed Kyle's organs your father a little kinder than the rest called me to one side of the room and said " Kyle's body is still a suitable place to inhabit life if we can transfer all the essential organs we can ensure that someone can still survive " To which I replied "what am  I supposed to do? " He said " Drink this" And boom!! After 3 days of surgery I was in Kyle's body.

Katy: I still can't believe it, how does it feel to be in a boy's body.

Kia : Well except for the fact that I have a penis now, everything else is the same.

Suzan and Katy laugh.

Kia : okay enough chit - chat now we need to get out of here and save 4 more people who live across the town. I'll explain later about them, but we need to save them.

Suzan : I have a plan.

Writers note:
Thank you guys for your love and support, just continue showering it on me and.. You know what to do right!
Next chapter on the 2nd of June

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