The Betrayal?

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Katy, Kia, Trevor and dead Suzan are in front of the warehouse gate, when suddenly a dark shadow emerges from the bushes.

George: get down y'all.

George takes out his stun gun and aims at the third guard and BOOM!, the third guard faints.

George : Well I guess introductions are in order. I am George and don't bother telling your names, cause I already know them.

Suzan : Really!!, Well what is my name?.

George : You must be Suzan , the smart one.

Suzan : huh, how do you know that?

George : Didn't you read the first chapter? Everything about you people is written there.

Everyone except George: heh?

George : Moreover won't I be curious to know who my sister has been surrounded with?

Katy and Kia : What?!!

George : Well dead sister, me and dad saw this coming a long time ago.

George cries for a while.

Kia : So you are Suzan's  brother?

George :  Yes.

Trevor: Hey George I am Trevor, come on guys we' ll talk later now we have 4 more people to save.

They enter the gate, it's a spooky mansion like warehouse and they check the walls for some traps, none found. From a distant window Kia is able to see
Mrs Phil and Dr Hofstader.

George : Ok so here's the plan, Trevor I think you have the fake ID that can let us in.

Trevor: How did you know... -, ok doesn't matter here it is.

George : Ok so we go in there and assuming there's no one in with them -

Kia : Assuming!!, last time we assumed your sister died.!

George : But then it was only the three of you now you have me.

So they go inside the the room after scanning the ID , but as usual there assumptions were wrong, there were two guards, fortunately they were able to take them down. Actually George was the only one able to take them down, others all got "stage fright". Mrs Phil and Dr Hofstader who are unarmed are stunned by seeing them. Then George literally stunned them. He took one of the actual  guns from one of the guards and pointed it towards Trevor.

George : You traitor!.

George shoots Trevor right in between his eyes.

Trevor is dead!.

Writers note:
Thank you guys for your amazing response, sorry due to network issues I had to post the chapter this late. From today I have decided to ask trivia questions about this book.
Today's question :
Q1 Who is most likely to die next?
The comment section is all yours.

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