Chapter 1

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(I am aware that canon Luck and Magna are the same age, but Magna will be a few years older than Luck.)





Queen Rei groaned as another contraction hit, rendering her immobile. Her husband, Louis, sighs as lifts her up, rushing to the bedroom. She was placed in bed with many pillows behind her back, and Louis comforted her all the way until the midwife and doctor came in.

It was the most painful 2 hours of Rei's life, leaning her head back and screaming to the heavens, the contractions extremely painful. She sweated as she pushed, Louis holding her hand and comforting the Omega.

Then eventually, there was a small cry.

A small blonde screaming baby was pulled from Rei, and the two royals immediately smiled and started to tear up.

"It's a baby boy, and by the looks of it, he's extremely healthy." The doctor announced, handing the couple their baby boy.

Rei sobbed as she held her child, "Oh, he's precious... What're we gonna name him?"

"I dunno... We should give him a name fit for the ban Voltia..."

"How about Luck..?"

"Luck... Luck... Luck Voltia..." The King ponders that for a bit, then a huge smile crosses his face, "Yeah, I love that name..."

Rei laughs as Luck begins to coo, reaching out blindly for his mother. That brings the blonde to look at her baby son, a smile on her face, "Hello Luck..."

A smile crosses the baby's face as he coos more.

"Wanna hold him, Daddy?"

Louis smiles as he takes his son, "Hello my lovely son. When you grow up, you'll be extremely handsome and brave, and you'll be the best Alpha ruler ever."

"May I cut in, sire?"a doctor asks.


He approaches, "I do not think he will be an Alpha. Hear me out. You see his nose? It's curved, and his cheeks are extra puffy. That's all the signs of a Omega. Alphas have straight or bulky noses, and Betas always have the smallest bump on there noses, almost completely unnoticeable."

The King and Queen blink at the doctor, as there baby squirms in His Majesty's arms, begging to fuss.

"Are you sure he's really going to be an Omega?" The Queen asks, taking her fussing son.

"Yes, the curve of his nose is a dead giveaway."

"Well it doesn't matter anyways, he's still our son." Louis said, smiling at the young boy.

Rei smiles too, "Yes, he'll still be a excellent ruler. My baby boy..."

Luck coos and they see that he was trying to open his eyes. Louis shielded the baby's eyes from the harsh light, and the two mutter encouraging words.

"C'mon sweetie, you can do it."

"Open your eyes for daddy."

Eventually Luck opened his eyes to reveal beautiful bright blue eyes. The two beamed; he had inherited all his mother's looks.

The two Royals then raised him ever since.


Luck was 2 when his father died, dying tragically in battle against the Diamond Kingdom, leaving Rei and Luck alone to rule the Kingdom.

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