Chapter 2

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(Credit to the artist Crazycookiemaniac)

((This story is made a little more in the future, probably around the time Black Butlers scenario is.))

Luck boredly kicked his feet as the makeup artists riddled his face with makeup. He didn't particularly like makeup, but his mother had told him to.

Hair dressers stood nearby, waiting for their turn to dress the boy up, setting up their tools. Ms. Vanessa was preparing the dress.

Luck had decided to pick the dark blue one, and decided he would save the others for later. Finral was also standing by, keeping watch on the time and waiting for any messages from the queen.

Luck had taken a bath and scrubbed his face and skin before hand, his personal maids ordered by the queen to be thorough when they washed him.

"Prince Luck, do you wish for a drink?" A maid asks, holding a cup with water.

He shrugs, "Sure."

The makeup artists pause their work for Luck to take a long sip of water, his throat a bit dry. He hands the maid the cup and she bows and takes it away.

After nearly two hours of applying makeup, it was time for his hair to be tended to.

The queen had ordered minimal trimming of his hair, and Luck had no objections to it. He just smiled as they did their work. Everyone would be paid tremendously, so they all did their very best work.

He looks and sees Finral at the phone, probably telling his mother that they were just starting on his hair. From what he could tell, Finral wasn't freaked out, so he must be exactly on time. He motioned for another drink of water, taking another ling sip of water.

"Please tilt your head down, my young prince." Luck did so, and they started working on his hair.

The makeup and hairstyling in total took more than 3 hours. It was finally time for Luck to get in his dress.

Luck sighs as he was led into his dressing room, seeing Ms. Vanessa smiling and waiting for him. His breath hitched at the sight of his dress at its highest peak.

Vanessa clapped her hands together, "Okay, so he needs to dress in his corset, the black one preferably. I already had someone fetch it, so please help him dress in it."

Luck manages to hold back an annoyed smile. He hated wearing his corset. He takes his clothes off, minus his underwear and slips on his corset. His maids were on him in an instant, pulling the ribbons tight.

"That's not too tight, right sir?"

"No, not at all." He breathed, though he meant the opposite. He nearly sighed in relief as they loosened it a bit, knowing when Luck would lie about stuff like this.

They then fastened the ribbons and Ms. Vanessa ushered the Omega forwards to the dress, eager to dress him and get drunk afterwords.

She gently unzipped the back of the dress and helped Luck step into it. He raises his arms as Ms. Vanessa zipped him up, and him and her and the maids began working on it, slipping white satin gloves up his arms, tying the satin ribbons in an elegant bow in the back. Luck was at least allowed to choose if he wanted any jewelry, which he said he didn't want any, except his favorite tiara and necklace.

 Luck was at least allowed to choose if he wanted any jewelry, which he said he didn't want any, except his favorite tiara and necklace

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When he was ready, he looked completely stunning

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When he was ready, he looked completely stunning. The maids exclaimed happily and Ms. Vanessa grinned.

"You look so beautiful My Prince!" One named Betty exclaimed.

"Ah yes! Very lovely!" Another named Amelia agreed.

Luck smiles and laughs. "Thanks!"

"Is he do- wow...."

They all turn to see Finral, gaping at Luck in awe.

"Ah... you look very beautiful my Young Prince..." He said, and straightens up with a smile, "Everything is going smoothly so far and everyone is waiting for you. Let's go."

Luck nods and slips his white satin flats on, since he couldn't walk very in heels. He follows Finral through the white grand heels, and in what seemed like 5 hours but more like 5 minutes, they reached the hall. Finral then used his radio to tell the queen they were ready.

Luck felt his heart speed ups knowing there was going to be lots and lots of people. Through the wooden doors, he heard;

"And now presenting His Majesty, our very Omegan Heir, Prince Luck Voltia."

Finral pushes the doors open and Luck walks through. He heard cheers and. Luck stood at the top of the stairs, with thousands of eyes on him. Luck just smiled and waved, like his mother instructed. His mother smiled proudly at the sight of her son, looking so very gorgeous.

Everyone stared and made sounds of awe at the sight of their beautiful prince.

The queen raised a hand for silence, and everyone's mouths immediately snapped shut. She smiles, in her beautiful white gown, "My people of the Clover Kingdom. Take in the sight of your rightful heir. For one of you shall marry to him before his 18th birthday. Whether it be male or female, doesn't matter. I have had my son give 5 different ideas of tests, which our servants have prepared."

Luck just smiles as he listens to his mother speak. He was waiting for his turn to speak. He knew his mother had changed the idea of a regular ball to tests at last minute.

"And now may him present the first one, which shall reduce numbers."

Luck steps forwards and clears his voice, "Ahem. The first test will see if you can lift my sword. I have been training for 10 years in combat and swordsmanship, but all you have to do is lift it." Two guards straggled forwards with his heavy sword, and Luck takes it and slides it from its sheath, "And if you can lift it, attempt to swing it. Now, line up, and climb the stairs one at a time."

Everyone formed a long line, and he saw Asta and Noelle standing off to the side. Noelle had found her significant other, though Asta was still looking. He watched as the guards fixed the the lines up and one stood by while the other escorted the first person up.

The guard bows to Luck, and so does the first person, who was a female Alpha, while saying, "My Prince..."

"Rise." He instructs, and they did so. He holds out his sword with a smile. The girl, she was a Noble, grabbed the sword. Luck let go of the sword, and the noble girl instantly surged forwards from the weight of the sword. She yelps as the sword clanks to the ground. She pulled on it with all hermight, "C'mooon... why... why is it so... heavy..?!"

Luck takes the sword away with a small chuckle, "No one said it was gonna have light. Like I said, I've been training for 10 years. If my future mate can't lift my sword then they're not worthy of ruling the throne alongside me." Luck chuckles again as he spoke again to everyone, "Like I said, if you can't lift it then you are out. "

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