Prologue: How It All Began

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Now, don't get me started on my supposedly picture perfect life.

It was never really supposed to be like this, ya know?

One day, I'm sitting at a café, doing my job and waitressing the customers.

Same old, same old.

Then, our musician decided to show up drunk and start groping some woman's arse.

That was just perfect.

Me, being the shy girl with absolutely no friends, despite my actually nice personality, covered my face and hid.

In the café I worked at, I was supposed to be, the 'back-up,' you could call it. I didn't want to go up there and sing my soul away, so I did the only thing that works best for me...

I hid.

I was always good at hide-and-go-seek, so I did my thing, and hid. Until I crashed into my furious manager, and let him push me up onto a stage.

I stood there, awkwardly, might I add, and just looked down.

I was wearing my uniform, which consists of a baby blue button-up dress, and a white apron. My hair tied up in a messy bun, and my glasses were providing some protection to my mesmerizing turquoise orbs, that people call eyes. I had turquoise and white colored braces, and my hair was a little below my shoulders, and was a blonde color. I had pale skin and a little acne on my face.

Let's face it, I wasn't exactly the definition of perfect or pretty.

The only beautiful thing about me, was probably my personality, and my eye color, which I still hold the same to this day, except I changed some things.

Anyways, while I was looking like a chihuahua on stage, just trembling and standing there not knowing what to do, I realized that all eyes were on me now, and they wouldn't leave until I gave them what they wanted. So, I straightened my posture, tried my hardest to look confident, and then, gave everything to make words come out of my mouth.

"Titanium' David Guetta Featuring Sia" I had said.

So the year wasn't exactly 2015, it was 2012. That song was really popular and Sia being a fellow Aussie, it was always playing, so I memorized the song just by listening to it, about seventeen times a day.

People now didn't look impatient, they looked intrigued. I wanted them to look mind blown, so I cleared my throat, and began singing the lyrics to my favorite song.

I sang, and I sang, and I sang, until there were no more lyrics left to sing. I was left breathless, and my audience were left speechless. I did the polite thing, and curtseyed, then I bolted my arse off the stage. Not until I was confronted, yet again, by a man, that was not my manager.

He was taller than me, and a lot rounder too, and he had a business man look. He put on a fake smile, which I had seen enough of those for a lifetime, and put both his hands on my shoulders, and shook me rather roughly.

"That was amazing girly! Tell me, do you like to sing?" The man asked, and all I could do was nod because I was terrified of this guy. He had a boring American accent, unlike most of the boys I've seen and heard in movies.

"Well, what's your name, girly?" He asked.

"Sofia. Sofia Brindlin." I replied.

"Ah, you have the name of a star." He said.

"Really? What there's a star in the galaxy that I'm named after?!" I asked incredulously, and all he did, was laugh.

"No. I mean you have potential to become a star." He said. I squinted my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Are we talking about stars in the galaxy, or stars as in celebrities?" I asked stupidly. I'm so naïve.

"Celebrity. I think you can become a celebrity. All we have to do is make a few tweeks in your personality, change your look, and write a few songs, and BAM! We got a star." He said with this smug look on his face.

"What do you mean 'tweeks'?!" I asked, quite scared, especially since he wants to change my looks.

"We need to toughen you up, and make you look more attractive." He said bluntly.

"Are you calling me weak and ugly?!" I asked, a little angry.

Okay, a lot angry. I know I said I wasn't exactly the definition of perfect, but I wasn't exactly ugly either. I knew that behind all the geekyish stuff about me, I was actually pretty nice looking.

"No, no, no. I'm just implying that we need to make you look like you belong, and make you act like it too, so you don't fail. C'mon girly, what do you say?" He asked.

I thought about it for a while, and I just sat down at one of the booths, and thought. He gave me his card to call when I made up a decision. I took it and just stayed at that booth and thought. I thought until it was closing time. I told the manager that I would lock up, something I never do.

I thought about the pros and cons. I thought about the ups and downs. I thought about the rights and the wrongs. I thought about all these things, and finally, I made my decision.

I took out my new iPhone 4s and dialed the number. I waited for about three rings, until some woman answered, and she had one of those annoying voices, like the librarian slug monster thing on Monsters Inc.

"Hello, you are contacting Mr. Langdon from Capitol records. This is his secretary, and who must you be?" She asked unenthusiastically.

"Umm hello. I'm Sofia Brindlin, I met Mr. Langdon at a café earlier today, and he told me to contact him when I made up my mind." I said nervously.

"Hold up." She said. I waited a few seconds while a random song was playing, and just as I was about to rethink my decision, a booming voice rang on the other end.

"Hello girly!" He greeted. I winced and held the phone away from my ear.

"Uhh hello?" I said, and it came out as more of a question.

"Now, have you made your decision." He said seriously. It's surprising how his tone changed from happy and loud, to serious and quiet.

"Yes, I have." I told him.

"Is it one that I'll like?" He questioned.

"I dunno, you tell me." I replied confidently.

"Okay then girly, let's hear it." He said.

"I choose....."

And that's when I made the decision that would change my life forever. One where there's no going back, and at that moment, I was hoping that I had made the right choice.

So this is my story, in which I tell you my adventures and how I fell in love, but realized I didn't fall hard enough because of my oblivious mind.

Feedback is very much appreciated and we hope you guys liked this chapter! We will hopefully be updating soon and We hope you guys stay tuned to find out what happens next! Oh, and yes this is a 5 Seconds of Summer fanfiction so yeah.

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