Chapter 6- Unplanned sleepover

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Lucy's Pov:

Well. All I have to say is: I enjoyed my very first day at Fairy Tail! Everyone was so nice to me, and welcoming. Despite the fact that I was new. I thought since everyone was rich here, they'd be snotty and mean about everything. But they were the complete opposite. I think I'm gonna like it here.

Currently I was walking home alone from school. Usually I had no problom walking home, but this time it was already night outside. I'd stayed a couple hours later because of the after school class activities, which I blame Levy for. She gave me the puppy eyes and literally begged me to go with her, because apparently she didn't wanna go alone.

As I was turning the second to last courner, to where my apartment was. Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an alley way. In defense, I continued to struggle against them. "Calm down Luce it's just me." I heard a familiar voice say.

I let out a breath in releaf, knowing exactly who it was. "Natsu you scared the hell out of me. What do you want?" I asked him.

"Well since it was dark out, I wanted to walk you to your house. But before I could ask you, you'd left already and I chased after you. And now were here talking about it." He explained.

"Why would you, be interested in walking me home? You seem like the person who just wouldn't care." I replied coldy, but then when I tried to walk past him. I ran right into him.

"I know I may seem like a jerk. But i'll be damned, before I let a girl like you walk home alone. You don't know what kinda people may just be lerking in the shadow." He said, trying to scare me.

"You mean, like you did?" I asked amused.

"That's totally different. I came to walk you home, but anyone eles would've done something worse. You never know Luce."

"And what's up with that nickname? I don't want you calling me, Luce." Then I side stepped Natsu, and continued on my way towards the house. But I didn't expect Natsu to continue following me.

"You know what, just to bother you. I'm gonna continue to call you Luce. Luce!"

>>Timeskip ten minutes.......

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I mean your living here all alone by yourself, don't you get lonely?" Natsu asked.

"I'm fine Natsu. I prom-." But then outside, I heard thunder strick making me yelp out and I cling to the nearest thing possible. But what I didn't relize that the time, was that thing, was Natsu.

"You know what, I'm gonna stay. I don't think you could handle all the thunder." Natsu teased.

"Whatever. I don't even care anymore, you can stay. But on-." But then I was rudly cut off, by Natsu's shouting.

"Yes! Sleepover at Lucy's house! This is so awesome!" He yelled out.

"Shut it Natsu! Do you want to get me kicked out?" I asked, raising my voice a little. Natsu ignored me again, and made himself right at home. Like he just lived here! Instead of yelling at him, I tried to calm myself. This much stress was going to kill me.

I made my way into the kichen, and was about to start dinner. When I saw Natsu reach into his pocket, and pulled out his cellphone. Then he started texting someone. For some reason I had a very strong curiosity in wondering who he was texting, like I needed to know.

"So. Who are you texting Natsu?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"I'm texting Wendy. Since I was gonna stay the night here, she was gonna be home alone for the night." He told me.

"You live with Wendy? Are you related?" I asked, beginning to get more and more curious by the second.

"Nope. But I treat her like a little sister." Then he started to stare intensely at his phone. "I'm just a little worried about her, being all alone." He continued.

"Aww, is little Natsu turning soft?" I asked.

"N-No way! Besides she can take of herself, she's not a kid anymore. She's fourteen, and I could care less what she's doing right now."

Wendy's Pov:

"In all the years I've lived here, I never knew this town had a park!" I told him, running towards the swings and sitting down on one.

"They just built it actully." He told me, sitting down right next to me.

Okay so, I kinda snuck out of the house, to go with Romeo to this park. But did Natsu really expect me to just stay there all bored by myself, when I could hang out with Romeo and have a good time? You see my point here?

"So Wendy, what's your favorite color?" He asked me.

"Why are you asking? You planning on buying me something?" I asked suspicions.

"Wendy please, were not even on that level of our relationship yet." He said, making me bust out laughing.

"Well of you must know, my favorite colors sky blue. You?"

"Oh Wendy, what, are you planning on buying me something?"

"Hardy har har, so funny Romeo."

"Well my favorite colors actully sky blue too."

"Favorite animal?"

"I don't really have one, I've never really thought about it."

"Well mines a dophin, there just so cute and adorable."

"I'll have you know that dolphins are very vicious creature, did you know that they take on sharks?"

"Wow, way to ruin the moment Romeo, why yah gotta hate on dophins? What they do to you?"

"I'm not hating, I'm just sayin."

"I guess haters gotta hate."

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