Ch 15: The Truth Behind that Smile

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- Y/N's POV-

My left hand was pressing harshly against his cheek turning his face away from me, while my other hand was pushing his shoulder. In the meantime, my knee was kicking against his stomach lightly, in order to get him off.

''If you even think of raping me I'll scream so loud that your mom will come running in!'' Not really sounding like an intimidating warning, but I still said it. 

''Rape?'' I felt him pull his head back creating some distance between us. His eyes were looking at me like an innocent child. 

''I just wanted to check something'' He spoke with the most normal look on his face ever. I stopped my actions as well feeling slightly confused.

''Check on something?'' I asked. Somehow I was getting curious myself. 

''Yeah, you see I had this dream about you last nig-''

''Ah stop! I don't even wanna know'' I turned my face away from his shoving my hands against his cheek once again. 

''Stop lying'' I added feeling my hands pull themselves back. Taehyung is really playing with my self-esteem. 

''Lying?'' Once again that innocent look on his face.

''You don't really have those thoughts about me or dreams...'' I muttered. Feeling embarrassment hit me I placed my arms over my eyes covering my face. 

''I do''

''You don't'' 

''What makes you think that?'' His question came out rather serious and I could hear his voice closer than before. 

''Because look at me....'' I was starting to get frustrated....with myself. The fact that I  thought Taehyung actually did find me attractive. There are so many beautiful and charming girls in our class. It just doesn't make sense.....He really is just playing a prank on me after all. I felt a tight grip on my arms and before I knew it they got pulled to the side exposing my flustered cheeks.

''I am looking at you'' he smiled down at me and the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest became worse. 

''That's not what I meant'' I whined pulling my hands free from his grip. 

''I'm the eye''

What am I even saying?! Talk about being stupid.

Well, I guess after having your younger brother call you ugly almost every day, you kinda start believing it on a certain point. 

'''Mmmm let me see..'' Taehyung pressed my wrists down on the bed at the side of my head pinning me down. I felt him shift above me positioning himself straightly on top of me. 

''W-What are you doi-''

''You have beautiful eyes, a slightly cute crooked nose, and your best feature is definitely your lips. When I was drawing you I couldn't help but be drawn to those features of you.'' My eyes widened hearing him say this and I felt my body relax.....the struggling has stopped. 

''Your hair is really soft and you always smell nice. Also, your body shape is really petite. It's cute but sometimes I can not help but worry if you're eating properly, but feeling your punches every time with so much strength I guess I'm just worrying over nothing.'' He chuckled his eyes almost disappearing and his teeth showing. 


''Your sexiest assets for me are your collarbones and legs with no doubt. But I can totally confirm that only after seeing everythi-''

''Stop'' Finally my voice came out, but it sounded like a soft mutter as I placed my hands on his mouth covering his lips. As Taehyung was saying all this I too found myself scanning his features. His long fluffy locks of dark hair, his eyes one actually being monolid while the other has a double eyelid. His perfectly shaped eyebrows and heart lips. The cutest of all is the tiny moles he has on his nose, lip, and under his eye. I never really noticed those until now. Taehyung always has some sort of vanilla scent to him and whenever he is on top of me like this I noticed how broad he is. His broad shoulders and slender waist, also how big his hands are when they wrap around my wrists. Somehow looking at Taehyung like this......he seems so perfectly handsome. Almost....almost like he stepped right out of an anime. 

His hands removed mine from his mouth. I wasn't looking at him....just focusing on the side feeling my face heat up once again. 

''Y/N.....'' His voice came out as a low whisper feeling his breath slightly tickle my neck.

''You're blushing...'' He commented making it only worse.

''Ah, what do you expect! After saying such things!'' I tried to get up once more feeling him hold me down. 

''It's cute let me continue'' he stated proudly making me shoot glares directed towards him. 

What am I doing? What's wrong with me? Since when did I become like this? 

''Ah forget it!'' At that moment I was able to push Taehyung to the side, as he let his guard down. I got up looking back at the timer noticing there were still 5 minutes left. I straightened out my dress before looking at a shocked Taehyung. My actions shocked him. 

''I don't need it. The card, I'll just work my hardest on the exams to get a good result.'' I stated before turning around making my way to my bag. 

''I can't believe I came here in the first place....what's wrong with me?'' I muttered to myself as I snatched the accessory of my head stuffing it in my bag. 

''Give my regards to your mother'' I implied while swinging my bag over my shoulder. I'm just gonna head out like this, I have my jacket which will cover the dress partly. The moment my eyes locked with Taehyung I felt an unpleasant shiver going down my spine. 

''Hmmm...'' He began. His long locks framing his face partly covering his left eye as he leaned forward resting on his knees. He slowly placed his chin on top of his hand while a set of serious dark eyes stared at me. 

''Interesting....'' He muttered and a voice at the back of my head told would be better to leave this place as soon as possible. 

Was he mad? 

I mean he looked really serious...till the point, it even frightened me. 

''Well then....bye'' I spoke quickly storming my way to the door. As I rushed my way down the stairs I noticed that...he wasn't coming after me.


''What's with that look?'' I muttered to myself leaning my head against the window of the bus. I'm so used to seeing Taehyung all bubbly and like a smiling idiot about everything. When he stares like's really frightening. I wonder what's truly going on in that mind of him. 

No matter how I think about....Taehyung is still just a stranger to me. 


''Ah Y/N you're home! Dinner is ready!'' I heard my mom call from the living room the moment I shut the front door. I noticed no one approaching and quickly hurried my way to the stairs. 

''I'll be down in a bit!'' I yelled as a response hurrying my way to my room without anyone catching me. Entering my room I instantly got out of the maid outfit and put on a simple set of sweats with a hoodie before heading downstairs joining everyone for dinner.


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