Packing Day

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"John," Thomas called from his room, "Do you think we'll need our ice skates?"

"Of course we'll need our ice skates. You know Uncle Lon will always take us ice skating during the winter." Thomas nodded. "Did you remember your sweater?" John cared to ask, "You know Mom's gonna kill us if we don't have em." Thomas chuckled, "Yes, I remembered mine."

"I'm just checking, you remember what happened the last time you forgot your sweater." Thomas rolled his eyes. That had happened when they were nine and seven. Thomas forgot his sweater before leaving for school and, next thing he knew, he was at the nurse's office with a cold and a bad fever.

Thomas let his mind wander as he thought about what this big adventure would hold for them. He picked up his teddy bear, Corduroy, gave him a long look, squeezed him, and put him with the rest of the things in his backpack for the car. His suitcase would have all his necessary things, his backpack would have things to do in the car. It would be a long ride.

It was going to be an amazing Christmas, just like every year. They would have carols to sing, a one horse open sleigh to ride, horses to ride, ponds to skate on, lots of things. He also wondered what Uncle Ben and Uncle Lon's big surprise would be. Sometimes, the surprise would be something they enjoyed as kids or something they knew the boys enjoyed. Thomas began to tingle all over as he thought of what it might be this year.

That night, the boys loaded their luggage in the back of the car. Thomas looked up at John as they put their backpacks on their places in the backseat. It seemed like John was at the same level of enthusiasm as him, "D'ya think this adventure will be as exciting as last year?" John grinned and ruffled his little brother's red hair, "Well, the best part of any adventure is the people you spend it with." Thomas blushed, it was always so nice how much John loved him. It always made every moment seem a little brighter.

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