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He didn't want to go out on a night like this, but he had to keep his promises.

He shut the drivers door and looked into the passenger seat at the one beautiful white rose that had survived the storm, thus far. Strong, just like her.

It was your typical Sunday night, except it wasn't calm and peaceful, as it's supposed to be. Instead, wind and rain covered the town, making it hard to see even what was directly in front of him.

Every Sunday marked one more week she had been gone. This had been the 52 week. 12 months. 1 year.

1 year. She had been gone for one whole year. And with her, she took their only child. The one child who didn't even have the chance to take their first breath. She was going to name her Mary. Simple, innocent, beautiful.

White roses were to be her thing. Rumor has it white roses stand for purity and innocence. Should've been just like her.


He arrived shortly to the cemetery and threw his hood over his head. He ran towards the gravestones. He only had one flower, but yet two beautiful girls to give them too. He dug into the muddy ground right between the two and placed it directly in the hole he previously made. He sat down placing his head in his hands, tears mixing in with the heavy rain. He could've sworn he heard footsteps, but it just had to be the wind blowing into the puddles.

He faintly heard a scream, a scream of a girl.

The Haze of WarningWhere stories live. Discover now