Chapter 26 - Knuckles the prisoner part 2

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Sonics pov

We already placed our prisoner in the cell and already removed his voice permanently as I asked, what the fuck are we supposed to do with that big dumb fool!? GreySky said, calm yourself kiddo...we have plenty of things to think about now. I said, well we better think of our plan fast before the fez catches up to us!!..NEITHER ME OR MY BRO ARE GOING TO JAIL!! Grey-Sky asked, what about those two you went to jail? I said growling, those two times do not count! what the hell are we going t...? I trailed off as Manic placed a hand on my shoulder and said, eeeeeaaaassssyyy there little bro...what we should do is keep him captive with us we'll decide if he dies or lives later...remember the plan I told you? I smiled and said, oh yes...but I'm worried he may break out and tri... Manic took out a scalpel and said, not if we can remove his muscles he won't...he'll be as skinny as we are..hahahahaha!! I grinned and said, your right...heheheh...looks like we're got some more surgery to do ehh bro? Manic nodded as we snickered.


Normal pov

Knuckles woke up in a dark dungeon and felt so much pain from his torso to his arms. He was gonna scream but to his shock he couldn't scream. He couldn't make any sounds at all. Knuckles looked to see he was chained from head to toe. He noticed his muscles were gone. Knuckles was as skinny as Sonic. But then he heard an evil cackle from the shadows. He then heard a familiar voice said, well's nice to see a so-called friend dropping by. Knuckles thought, that I can't be! The figure in the shadows said, your brain is as small as a grain of really is. The shadow revealed tone Sonic with a sickening grin. Knuckles eyes widened in disbelief and thought, S-s-Sonic? can't be... Sonic said snickering, heheheh...such a pity you stuck your nose into my business. Knuckles immediately recognized it but was denying who it was. Sonic slowly came out of the shadows and said with a snicker, hehehe...long time no see Knuckles The Echidna! Knuckles eyes widened on the edgy hedgehog before his eyes. Sonic smirks as he said, HAHAHAHA!!! shoulda just gone off with your business...guess dumb luck can make you more dumb! Knuckles attempted to say something but forgot he couldn't talk. Sonic said as he walked towards him, oh what a can't talk for a mysterious reason...wwwweeellll not too mysterious. Sonic pulled out a scalpel with fresh blood on it and laughed evilly. Knuckles then noticed the dry blood and bandages on his throat and the bandages and stitches on his arms, legs, and torso implicating that all his muscles he obtained are gone right in the mirror of the cell. He also notice he was chained everywhere before looking at Sonic with disbelief and betrayal. Sonic snickered and said, ya know we woulda finished you off but he would rather keep you alive since your already our prisoner.... he then pulls Knuckles quills and said, ya know I almost lost sight of my true self when I started noticing you but you never noticed how I felt towards you. He snickered before walking upstairs. Knuckles laid on the floor and began to cry hoping it was a bad dream. No sooner after Sonic went up the stairs he sees Zoey dead as he said, aaawww man did I miss the dissecting? Manic replied, nope!..your just in time to chop her limbs and head off. Sonic smiled as Grey-Sky said, but how can we make them know she's dead. Sonic immediately replied, I got an idea... Manic asked, oh really?...then what's your idea bro? Sonic said, think back on Halloween when we were only kindergarteners. Manic smirked as he knew what he meant.

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