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Chapter Two

The alarm goes off, which only irritates a very sleepy Darshan. But instead of snoozing the alarm and taking a quick fifteen minutes nap, he gets up. He yawns like crazy which shows how sleepy he is. He slaps both his cheeks simultaneously for a minute or so, to throw away the slumber and gets out of his bed.

Any other morning, he would have Nidhi right by his side but there was no chance as of now for that. So instead of sitting and complaining about how he misses his wife, he went into the bathroom, so he could freshen up.

About an hour or so later, he was in the kitchen making breakfast for himself. Darshan has a sweet tooth and hence ended up cooking shira. The kids always had cornflakes with milk for their breakfast so it was no biggie. He poured some chai in a cup. he grabbed the plate and the cup and made his way out of the kitchen. He placed everything on the dining table before going into the living room to grab his phone.

On his way back, he gets the urge to check up on the twins and so he does. He pushes the door slightly and from that little creak, he sees that his little ones are sleeping very peacefully and Aanya is holding Aalya in her arms. Darshan couldn't stop the awe that slipped out of his mouth. He opened the door furthermore carefully without making any noise and went inside. He took out his phone from the pant pocket and opened the camera application. He takes a couple of pictures of their cuteness before heading out.

Now that he's out, he gets back to where his breakfast rests. Before starting to munch on what he made, he sends those couple of pictures that he took of the twins to Nidhi with an 'I hope this makes your morning good' text following it. He keeps his food aside and digs into the food. After about ten-fifteen minutes when he is done eating, he goes back to the kitchen, washes the plate, cup, and spoon and then puts them into the dryer.

When he is done with cleaning everything, he takes out two bowls, spoons, milk which is at room temperature, and the cornflakes box from the cabinet. He prepares two separate bowls of breakfast for the kids, then carries it to the dining table. He goes to the kids' room.

"Rise and shine girls!" He exclaims as he takes the blanket off of their little bodies.

"Morning morning daddy." They say in unison. Aalya yawns while Aanya rubs her eyes.

"Your breakfast is ready, so get off the bed already." He informs them.

They peck Darshan's cheek before heading into the washroom. He follows them. They climb the little tables to face the mirror. He puts toothpaste over their toothbrushes when they hold it in their tiny hands.

"Start brushing your teeth while daddy will be out making your bed properly, okay?" He says and they nod their heads in agreement.

DEMONS OF THE PAST (Sequel to HDD)Where stories live. Discover now