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Chapter One

"And that's our story," Darshan says as a little smile spread across his face. His and Nidhi's story is his favorite, and he seems to always smile when he's narrating it to someone.
"Now, are you not sleeping?" He asks his daughters.

"No daddy. I'm waiting for mumma to come home. Can I sleep when she's back?" Aalya whines.

"Do you want daddy to call mumma and ask her when she gets back? Because baby its too late for you to stay awake." Darshan tries convincing her. "Look at Aanya. She's already falling asleep, arent you Aanya?"

"Mmm-hmm daddy." Aanya yawns.

"Call mumma, pweasee?" Aalya whines again.

"Okay baby girl."

Darshan reaches his phone and dials Nidhi's number from the speed dial. A few rings go before she picks up the call.

"Yeah, babe?"

"How late are you gonna be mumma? Aalya won't agree to sleep till you're home." He explains his wife.

"Umm.. put me on speaker. I'll talk to her," she says, and Darshan does as asked.

"Mummmaaa, why are you not home yet? I miss you." Aalya starts crying, like literal tears brim down her eyes.

Darshan drops his phone on the bed so that he can hold his daughter in his arms.

"Don't cry, baby. Mumma will be back before you know." Darshan tries consoling her. "Do you want to say mumma good night before you sleep?" Aalya nods her head. "Okay then, here you go. Be a good girl."

"Mumma? Night night. I love you. Please come home soon. I miss you. And I promise I'm being a good girl to daddy and a good sister to Aanya." She says everything in one go.

Darshan's eyes become moist.

"Yes baby, I promise mumma will be back soon. And you know what? Mumma is so so proud of you, baby. Now you gotta sleep. So, night night. And I love you so much." Nidhi says.

Darshan turns the speaker off and put the phone on his ear.

"I'll call you back in some. I'll get her to sleep first, yeah?"

"Yeah, that should be fine."

The call ends and Darshan gets back to where Aalya is laying. He lays on the bed and opens his arms full for her and Aanya. He cuddles them both until they're both asleep.

After thirty minutes or so, when Aalya finally sleeps, Darshan carefully takes his arm out from under both of his three-year-old's heads. He switches off the lamps from the side tables. He grabs his phone and makes his way out of their room. On his way out, he turns the night light on.

He walks into the kitchen, opens the fridge and grabs himself a bottle of water. He sits on one of the chairs near the dining table, while he opens the bottle. He grabs a glass from the center of the table and pours himself some water. He sips slowly, actually tasting the water. He pulls out his phone from the pocket of his sweats and dials Nidhi.

"Hey, babe," he says as she answers immediately. "Are you alright?" he asks further.

"I don't know Darshan. This sucks." Nidhi's voice breaks down. "Being away from my babies is no good. What kind of mother leaves their children for her work? I am a bad mother, Darshan."

"Babe, NO. That's not true. You're a superwoman. You handle work, you take care of me, you take care of our babies, and you're always worried about us than you are of yourself. You're my world, darling. Never, ever think that you are a bad mother. You are amazing. And I love you so much." Darshan ends his speech, leaving her as well as himself in tears.

Its been almost two weeks since they last met. Nidhi got this opportunity to work for a big movie, and since it would've boosted her career a bit more than it already is, she wanted to do it. And Darshan being the supportive husband, let her do what she wanted to. Throughout the year, she had to make several trips to various locations across the globe and this was her very first one. The first location was in India itself, but she was miles away from her family. And that did make her sad all the time.

"I love you Darshan, so much that I could never measure it. You gave me so many reasons to live for." she sniffed. "Have they slept?"

"Umm-hmm. Aalya misses you so much. She keeps on asking about you every day."

It's true. Ever since the news of Nidhi leaving for the trip came out, Aalya was devasted. It's not something to feel devasted about but when you put yourself in the shoes of a three-year-old, you'll know. Ever since the twins were born, Nidhi had been very protective of Aalya because she was underweight and had a couple of health issues. No doubt she loved her both daughters to no extend, but this little one needed that extra care. And in all of this, Aalya got more connected to her mother than Aanya.

And talking about Aanya, she's more of a daddy's girl as she spent most of her time with Darshan while Nidhi took care of her sister. She is the younger twin. But she always has taken care of her sister like the elder one. The bonding between the two is so natural. They never fight, because they think that will make their parents sad. Darshan and Nidhi gave birth, not to two kids, but two adults in the body of kids.

"This is important, not more than the twins though. I could back off." She says as she thinks it'll be easier.

"No no no Nidhi. The Nidhi I know never gives up. So be as brave as you were when we first met." Darshan says, remembering their very first encounter at the auditions he was judging.

"Oh I miss being in your arms all time," she says. "I miss sleeping next to you, and waking up to your gorgeous face." she continues. "I miss your touch."

"We will see each other soon my love. Don't worry, these days will pass before any of us know. So just stay focused on your work. Okay?"

"Yep. I wish I could keep talking to you more but I'm sleepy. The schedule is so tiring."

"Its okay baby. I'll let you sleep. Night night mumma. I love you."

"Night night daddy." both chuckle as she says this. "I love you."

They hang up the phone and get into their respective beds.

Ever since they met, they never have been away from each other. And this distance, even though it is very temporary, they feel incomplete.

Darshan took a 'paternity' leave from work to be with the kids and take care of them till Nidhi finishes her work. So the things he does all day is wake up, freshen up, make the kids their breakfast, wake them up, feed them, bathe them, play with them, and help them with their studies. And hence, gets pretty tired at the end of the day.

As he lays in the bed, he prays to the god of how thankful he is to have this little family. The last thought for the day on his mind is always his beautiful wife and their beautiful babies before he goes into a deep slumber.



Priyanka x

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