Tee's Confession

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If you haven't read Tee's special chapter at the end of "Right Here", I highly suggest you go read it. You don't have to read the whole book to understand what's going on in this book, but that chapter is very important for this book.

I'm sorry to do that, it sounds like I'm asking for more views, but I'm not.

I just really cannot be bothered to delete that chapter just to put it in this book.

Song of the Chapter: 'blue' by keshi


Tee watched as the fan turned around and around, focusing on one of the blades so his head was moving in sync.

He was struggling to find the motivation to do much of anything these days but no one knew that.

His father had warned him several times against spending so much time at the college and doing nothing else but Tee had refused to listen to him. Even now, he didn't want to talk to his father because he knew exactly what he would say.

"I told you to make friends outside of college. Now they're all off doing what they love and where are you?"

Staring at the ceiling, evidently.

Tee closed his eyes and covered his eyes with his arm as he felt the heat radiate across the room.

He hadn't been promoted from his original position and made far too little money to afford to have the air conditioner on, even if it was just for a few hours. He barely made enough money to stay in the apartment and still feed himself.

He had sold his car a few weeks back to give himself some wiggle room but that hadn't been helping him either.

He was putting it into his savings for later, for when he really needed it, but when would he ever need it?

It wasn't as if he was going anywhere.

There was a knock at the door but Tee found it too much of a hassle to get up from the bed. He silently wished for the person to go away.

It was swelteringly hot in his apartment, probably hotter than it was outside, and Tee just wanted to sleep.

But the knocking continued.

Tee rolled his eyes and stood up, rubbing his hand across his sweaty face before standing up and walking to the front door.

He twisted it open and leaned against the door frame.

"Hi, P'Tee."

"Hi, Duen. What can I help you with?" Tee questioned, forcing his happier exterior to the surface.

"Bohn is downstairs in his car and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to the party tonight."


Was he talking about King's party at his parent's house?

"P'King asked us to drop by, since he hadn't heard back from you if you would be coming or not," Duen continued, "If you're too busy..."

Tee bit back a sigh and smiled at Duen.

"Give me about ten minutes to get ready. There's a nice cafe across the street where you two can wait, if you want," Tee replied.

Duen nodded and smiled at the senior before leaving.

Tee closed the door and leaned against the wall, his eyes suddenly heavy with heat. He wanted to stay here and do...well, not much of anything.

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