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Chaeyoung frowned as she walked into her sister's room. Seeing her on her bed with her cat next to her as she read scrolled on her phone. She didn't know how to really express what she was feeling, but she knew she wanted answers. 

"Why did you reject Momo?" She asked quickly. 

"What?" Jihyo frowned, setting her phone down next to her. 

"Momo. You rejected her." Chaeyoung repeated. "Why." She demanded answers at this point. She had only one class with her and had never seen her look so defeated. It was like someone had take the light out of her soul and just broke it right there in front of her. 

"I..." Jihyo shook her head, looking away from her. "None of your business." 

"You can tell me. Why? Is it because you don't like her? Or is it because you refuse to let your pride get in the way. Again." Chaeyoung muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. Jihyo rolled her eyes, wishing she could get up and push her younger sister out of her room. 

"Chaeng." Jihyo warned. 

"No! I helped her with the gift and you just ignored it! I bet you haven't even opened it yet!" She pointed. "Momo worked hard all week at just figuring out what to say to you to even ask you out." She frowned. "But you let your stupid pride get in the way, and you rejected her." 

"I rejected her because no one wants to date someone like me." Jihyo finally sighed. "They just ask me out to pity me and make me feel good. I'd rather not deal with anything. I don't need anyone anyway." She muttered. "Momo doesn't need to date me. She probably doesn't even like me." 

"God you're so stupid." Chaeyoung muttered. "Momo does like you. But whatever." She sighed while leaving her room. Her older sister was incredibly smart when it came to school, but extremely life stupid. 

Jihyo didn't know what to do, She reached over, opening her bag and seeing the unopened gift there. She hesitated, afraid to pull it out. Eventually she just pulled it out, opening it to see a few of her favorite snacks with a typed out note inside. 

'I hope you enjoy these snacks! Chaeyoung helped me pick them out, so blame her if they're wrong!'

She let out a small sigh, every single one was her favorite. Momo had spent time on picking out her favorite snacks to give to her. It wasn't some random thing of she hoped she liked them. No. It was something she spent time on, and she regretted it. 


The next day at school, during her study hall period she went into the library, hoping she would find Momo. She found her sitting with her head on the table, textbook open in front of her with a notebook next to it. She looked as if she was writing slowly, and half asleep. She wheeled herself over, startling Momo when she got closer. 

"Hi..." Jihyo whispered. 

"Hi.." Momo mumbled, not moving her head from the textbook. 

"Are you trying a new study technique?" She chuckled quietly. 

"I don't understand what's going on and my tutor is out sick for the week." Momo mumbled, continuing to doodle in the notebook. Jihyo frowned, watching as the girl completely gave up on her classes when her tutor goes missing. 

"Want me to help?" Jihyo asked quietly, getting herself closer. 

"You can try. I won't get it though." Momo sighed, completely giving up. Jihyo decided to ignore her remark, and pushed her head up off her textbook. 

"It's math... Aren't you a third year?" Jihyo frowned while looking at textbook. 

"Yeah... I'm... I'm in four extra help classes... I'm too stupid to be in average classes like the rest of my grade." Momo admitted quietly. Jihyo gave her a sympathetic smile, hoping she would at least teach her something. 

The two worked together, Jihyo walking through the problems with Momo and helping her work through everything. The bell eventually rang, signalling lunch when the two were halfway through a problem. 

"Well, want to have lunch together?" Jihyo suggested. 

"Why?" Momo frowned, recalling the week prior's events. 

"What do you mean why?" Jihyo whispered. 

"I... I thought you didn't like me..." Momo admitted, looking away from the younger. "You're always so busy... And you're really pretty and smart. I thought you didn't want to be seen with an idiot like me.." She frowned. "But I get it... Sometimes Tzuyu doesn't want to be seen with an idiot like me, but only because I say dumb things..." Jihyo watched as she stood up, leaving Jihyo alone in the library. 

She felt terrible watching Momo leave the library, completely hidden inside herself. After a few minutes she made her way to the cafeteria, finding Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon sitting together with their friends, but no Momo. 

"Have you guys seen Momo?" Jihyo asked when she got closer. 

"No..." Chaeyoung shook her head before taking a bite of her yogurt. Mina looked over tapping the table and typing quickly on her phone. Mina didn't hear her, but knew what Momo looked like coming from someone. 

"What?" Jihyo asked her. Mina handed over her phone, letting Jihyo read the note. 

'I saw her outside under the tree. She didn't look too happy.'

"Thanks Mina!" Jihyo smiled at her, handing back the phone. Mina gave her a smile back, watching her leave. Jihyo made her way outside, seeing Momo sitting under the big willow tree on campus. She did her best to get herself there, eventually getting herself stuck next to Momo. "Hey..." Jihyo whispered. 

"Hi." Momo mumbled. 

"You're not eating?" She frowned. 

"Not hungry." She sighed, looking at the grass. "What are you doing here? Don't you have friends to meet with?" She asked. 

"Not today. You... Didn't look happy when you left..." Jihyo was worried for the older girl. She didn't know her well, but she knew Momo meant well all the time. She watched as Momo shrugged her shoulders, not bothering to say anything. "You're not an idiot." Jihyo sighed. "Just because you need extra help classes doesn't mean you're stupid. It means you're smart enough to accept help when you need it. Instead of ignoring it and pretending to be smart." She explained. 

"My medical record says I'm stupid." Momo sighed. "Diagnosis and everything." She frowned, shaking her head. 

"And you're getting help. Still doesn't mean your stupid. Trust me. People think I can't do anything because I have no use of my legs." She sighed. "But I can still do practically everything." 

"It's just your legs, why would someone assume you can't do anything?" Momo asked, raising an eyebrow at her. 

"Exactly." Jihyo chuckled. "Listen... I'm sorry for rejecting your date... I... I assume the worst in people sometimes." 

"It's okay. I get it. Sometimes I do that too. I try not to, but.. After my sister was bullied for being mute... You kind of... Just assume it." Momo frowned. 

"I'm free this weekend if the offer still stands." Jihyo gave her a small smile, seeing her let out a small chuckle, a smirk on her face. 

"I actually have a thing this weekend... Maybe... You'll want to come with? I-I can treat you to dinner after." She suggested. Jihyo smiled, nodding her head and accepting the offer. Whatever Momo had planned, she knew it would at least be fun. "Come on. I"m starving." She whispered before standing up. 

"Um.. This is going to sound weird." Jihyo chuckled. "I got myself stuck... And.." 

"I'll help." Momo smiled, helping her out of the dirt patch.

"Good.. My arms were tired." Jihyo giggled. Momo rolled her eyes, pushing her best friend back to the school building.

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