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Sana walked to school with a small limp, makeup covering her bruised cheek. It was a warmer day, but she wore her sweater and made sure to cover the bruises on her leg. As long as no one saw, there would be no questions. She just had to make it through the day. 

She was checked out during her first class, the one she shared with Mina. She took messy notes, trying to keep up as she had zoned out. Everything just seemed wrong in her life. During lunch she picked at her food, not entirely hungry. 

"Aren't you hot?" Sana looked up, seeing Jeongyeon looking at her. 

"I'm fine." Sana lied. She was incredibly hot, and wished she didn't have to cover her arms, but there were marks. Marks that reminded her to never, ever have another episode like last night. 

She shared gym with Jeongyeon, and sighed when she had to wear the stupid uniform. Thank goodness she was able to hide herself from people, but of course someone always saw. Jeongyeon glanced over as Sana changed, seeing a bruise on her back as she attempted to quickly change. She saw more bruises, frowning at the sight as she slid her knee high socks down. 

After her gym class, Jeong walked to her math teacher, the only one she really trusted. Mainly because he was her neighbor and knew he wouldn't entirely question anything. 

"Um... Can I talk to you about something?" Jeongyeon frowned. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned as soon as he saw how worried she was. Jeongyeon explained what she had seen and how Sana was acting. She didn't know who to go to, and she was a little afraid of what her parents would do if she had told them. 

The next day, everything was the same. Sana walked into her classes, trying to focus but everything stopped when one of the administrators walked in. 

"Sana, you're needed in the office." Her history teacher stated calmly. Sana immediately frowned, she didn't know what to think. Her heart started racing, she assumed the worst possible thing. Maybe her parents had came to take her out of school for something she had done wrong before hand? 

"Right in here." The secretary gestured to an office that she had never seen before. Sana walked into the little office, seeing a smiling woman behind a desk. 

"Sana, right?" She asked. 

"Yes..." She whispered. 

"My name is Irene. I'm the school psychologist." She stated calmly. "It's been told to us... that you may have some trouble at home?" She asked. 

"No." Sana immediately answered. "No trouble." She mumbled. 

"This is a safe space Sana, anything you say won't leave this room." Irene frowned, seeing how defensive and hostile Sana had gotten with the question. She watched as the younger's breathing quickened, her eyes closing as a few tears escaped. "I promise." 

"Everything is fine." She lied. 

"Someone reported that you had bruises along your body.. Sana, this is quite serious." Irene frowned. "We just want to help." It didn't take much more before Sana had spilled. Saying everything from her sister leaving the family to now. How she struggled with something her parents refused to help her with, and told her everything was fake and the doctors were lying. 

"Please don't tell my parents I told you." She sobbed. 

Irene didn't know what to do, she had taken a few notes as Sana spoke, but nothing prepared her for everything to come out like that. Everything that she had said screamed at her just to report her parents, because obviously they weren't doing much to help the poor girl. 

"Sana... I won't call your parents." She sighed, knowing that everything was a little intense. "But you don't look well enough to attend your classes..." She frowned. 

"If the office calls saying I'm absent they'll kill me..." Sana muttered. "I need to have perfect attendance.." She sniffed. 

It wasn't long before Sana was seated outside of the little office while Irene figured something out for her. She obviously wasn't fit to go and sit in class, but she certainly wasn't going to call her parents and send her home. That just wasn't an option. So she did the only thing she could legally do. She had to report the situation. 

Sana sat on the bench, tears slowly stopping as she waited to be allowed back into the office. Jeongyeon had walked into the office holding a slip, glancing over to see Sana. 

"Hey... You okay?" Jeongyeon asked. 

"No." Sana mumbled. Jeongyeon sat next to her, staying silent as the younger leaned on her. "I don't understand life sometimes." She whispered. 

"Me either." Jeong sighed. "But that's supposed to be the fun part." She chuckled. Sana stayed quiet, afraid to do or say anything. Jeongyeon looked down, seeing her hands hidden in her sleeves. "Whatever you're going through.." She frowned while taking her sweater paw and holding it. "I'll help you. Even if that means just sitting here and keeping you company." She gave her a small smile, hoping Sana would accept it. 

"Thank you..." She whispered. 

"This also my be a terrible time, but I'm feeling confident... And I think you're very cute and when all of this is cleared for you... Maybe I can take you out to dinner? Or a movie? Maybe both?" She rambled. 

"Okay." Sana answered quietly. 

After school, Sana walked home, seeing a car parked out in front. It wasn't out of the ordinary, lots of people parked outside their home. Until she walked in. 

"Sana! You're home!" Her mother smiled, hugging her tightly. She immediately tensed up, seeing the two strangers in the kitchen with her father. She stayed silent, seeing the angry look on his face when the two strangers looked her way. 

"Yes, you're home." He muttered. 

Sana excused herself, going to work on her homework while her parents continued to talk. She heard the front door shut, and almost immediately heard screaming from her parents. After a few minutes, she heard the loud footsteps. 

"You disrespectful brat." Her father spat while grabbing her arm and yanking her out of her room. 

"No! No! I didn't say anything!" She cried, trying to free herself from his grip. But it was useless. He dragged her downstairs, throwing her against the wall in the living room. She winced at the pain, knowing her bruise was never going to get better this way. He continued to scream at her, grabbing her by her neck and holding her up against the wall. 

"I never wanted another daughter." He growled before letting her go. "Now get out of my face." He spat. Sana coughed, trying to push herself up and out of the living room. She stumbled slightly, hurrying up the stairs and closing her door gently so nothing else would happen. She sat on the floor against her bed, crying quietly. 

Everything seemed so terrible. She felt useless... So she stood up, walking to her closet and pulled out a bag. She packed some clothes and her uniform, throwing her shoes in along with her normal backpack and a charger. She waited a little longer, knowing her parents wouldn't call her for dinner. 

She opened her window, sneaking out that way and sitting on the roof so she could shut it. She walked over to the giant tree and climbed into the branches, slowly sliding down until she was on the ground. 

She hurried out the back gate, running down the street to Mina's house. It wasn't until she actually got to the gate that she felt horrible. Mina's parents were friends with her parents... Mina knew what had gone on, and swore to never tell her parents what had gone on... If they knew, her own parents would hate her for letting their best friends know... 

She pulled out her phone as she kept walking, calling the only other friend she knew that could help. 


"Nayeon? Um... I'm really sorry for calling late.." Sana sniffed. "I-I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?" She asked quietly. 

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